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January 14th, 2023 16:00

VxRail Upgrade 7.0.410 fails 1%

Has anybody had the VxRail upgrade fail on practically the first step? Mine never makes it past Running VxRail Manager pre-migration task in progress.

I see it deploy the new vxrail manager ova, then it sits for over an hour then fails.

Trying to go from 4.7.410 to 7.0.410.

Just to see what would happen, I went 4.7.410 to .4.7.560 without any issues.  Now trying 4.7.560 to 7.0.410 and still having the same issue.  

The only thing that stands out in the log is - 

2023-01-11 17:49:11,392 ERROR [SURROGATE] [upgrade-task-0] c.v.c.c.ScriptServiceImpl [] Script command error (/etc/vmware-marvin/scripts/lcm/ova-upgrade/migration_pre/ [sh, -c, echo '****' | su root -c "/usr/lib/vmware-marvin/marvind/temp/6752484026988284601.tmp --host --user management@localos --password * --vm-user root --vm-pwd **** --mystic-user mystic --mystic-pwd **** --vm-id vm-133518"]

Anything I can check before engaging support would be greatly appreciated.

January 15th, 2023 01:00


you have try to use VxVerify before try upgrade ? You have analysed this log : 

« /var/log/mystic/web.log »

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