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This post is more than 5 years old


5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts


November 9th, 2016 05:00

VXRAil 4.0 sizer

need to get a response n what the VXrail 4.0 sizer is more conservative than version 3.5.

sized 6 nodes using 3.5 and 800GB cache and now is with version 4 it's 7 nodes and 800GB cache

any help appreciated

56 Posts

November 10th, 2016 14:00

Please send me the spreadsheet for both sizing.

Without the side by side comparison, there is no way to provide a response.

December 5th, 2016 00:00

its improved workload reference IOPS/VM, cache sizing and CPU speed in MHz/VM.......



6.6K Posts

December 13th, 2016 03:00

I may be need to create new thread ,, but it seems to be this thread has topic about VxRail sizer ...

CE has found VxRail sizer 4.0 results is low in ALL FLash ....

PLease tell me what would be the truth ...

1. All Flash and hybrid

==> seems to be Hybrid has better costperformance 


2.When use deduplication with ALL FLASH  ... it seems to be performance degraded by about 3rd compare with not using dedup in sizer , would this be ture ?

2 Posts

January 13th, 2017 10:00

Do you have a link to the 4.0 sizer?

2 Posts

January 13th, 2017 10:00

Can a link be provided, please?  Thank you.

January 13th, 2017 11:00

The Advanced Sizing tool is available to Sales and Partners on the VxRail Enablement Center:

February 8th, 2019 00:00

Any of you guys managed to use liveoptics data to import to the new 14g sheet for sizing?

February 18th, 2019 00:00

Yes, I managed to import it to the VxRail sizer.
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