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September 14th, 2021 10:00

Unable to update VxRail manager after migrating from external PSC to embedded

I used this article to try and run a python script to update VxRail, but the script fails.


The error message I get is - "The appliance is not managed by an external vCenter. Please check your environment!"

Is there a script to use with an internal vCenter?

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

September 15th, 2021 17:00

I understood your situation.
It is out of official procedure to manually embed PSC into VCSA for VxRail provided VCSA (a.k.a Internal VCSA).

So, I highly recommend that you should rollback the PSC and the VCSA to those before your activity.

If you take snapshots for them prior to work, it would be easiest way to do that by reverting those snapshots.

File base or image base backups also would work fine.

If there is no backups or snapshots, you are going to open support ticket to engage Dell support.

I'm not sure how they handle this situation but my idea is, to redeploy PSC and VCSA  if possible, or externalize VCSA from VxRail and then get it back to internal one after upgrading to VxRail 7.x.

4 Posts

September 14th, 2021 11:00




4 Posts

September 14th, 2021 13:00

Running the migration tool gives me this error - ERROR: update or delete on table "mystic_cluster" violates foreign key constraint "esrs_cluster_id_fkey" on table "esrs"

DETAIL: Key (cluster_id)=(xxxx) is still refere nced from table "esrs".
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1680, in
File "", line 1630, in main
update_database(collect_info, version_num)
File "", line 774, in update_database
execute_mystic_psql("delete from mystic_cluster")
File "", line 260, in execute_mystic_psql
result = f_handle.readlines()[0].strip('\n')
IndexError: list index out of range

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

September 14th, 2021 15:00

This script is for External vCenter environment only. There is no such script for Internal vCenter because Internal vCenter upgrade is managed by VxRail Manager and VxRail Manager can update necessary information by itself.

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

September 14th, 2021 16:00

what do you mean by migration tool?
i'm not sure what kind of action you want to do.

If you upgraded VxRail from 4.x to 7.x, you don't have to migrate PSC from external to embedded manually and run script either. Those have been done by VxRail Manager automatically for Internal VCSA during upgrade.

Anyway, Error message you paste indicates that esrs table referring to entity in mystic_cluster table.

So, I think it wouldn't hurt to try delete esrs setting via gui or to perform cleanup script in order to delete the reference from esrs table to mystic_cluster table.

4 Posts

September 15th, 2021 11:00

I appreciate your reply. My issue is that I am running vsphere 6.7 and vxrail 4.7.531.

I made the mistake of using the vmware tool to embed the PSC into the VCSA. I should have just waited for the vxrail upgrade (which is now available), but I didn't and here I am. 

so basically I would like to figure out if I can somehow tell vxrail that the PSC is now embedded into the VCSA

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