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This post is more than 5 years old


May 16th, 2017 09:00

Priortising the VM's during Cluster Shut Down


IHAC who wants to know if there is a sequence for VM shutdown before the nodes are powered off? For e.g if an App is in the process of inserting records into the DB, the right sequence would be to shutdown the App VM before the DB.

The customer is concerned about the non committed/in flight transactions that could be lost.

How do we address this concern?

Thank you

60 Posts

May 31st, 2017 12:00

When performing a cluster shutdown, it is the customer's responsibility to power down/off the hosted VM's. The cluster shutdown wizard will warn the user that there are VM's running.

The only VM's that the shutdown wizard will shutdown ar ehte service VM's. Those are designated as Embedded VCSA, Embedded PSC, LogInsight, VxRail Manager and if enabled ESRS VE.

Hope this helps.


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