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November 2nd, 2021 10:00

Deploying a Vxrail cluster with a temporary TOR switch

HI Vxrail folks

We plan to install a Vxrail 3 nodes cluster with 04 10 Gbe SFP+ ports each , the 02 TORS switches are not   yet  purchased and will take some time to be on site , in the mane time  I have one switch  that meet the requirements and  want to  configure  it as a temporary TOR  and replace it by the 02  official TORs when they will be  ready , of course with a down time  ,

My first  question is their any risk  when replacing the  temporary switche later supposing that the configuration  of vlan ports , STP, interlink , uplink  etc on the official switches will   be donne properly  with nochange? 

My second question , I  dont have suffisant ports to connect all the  03 nodes ports  to the temporary TOR  (have only 10 SFP+  instead of the 12 needed with a 04 port deployment ,  can I deploy the cluster with 02 missing uplinks  ?


Hope that someone can help me on this scenario  

Have a good day 




4 Operator


1.8K Posts

November 3rd, 2021 18:00

i'm not sure that I understand your situation correctly.

The only thing I can say, is that it is hard requirement there are enough Switch ports if you install VxRail.

If it's with 4 * 10GbE option, TOR switch must have at least 4 ports available for each node.

if it's with 2 * 10GbE option, TOR switch must have at least 2 ports available for each node.

So, If there are only 10 ports available on TOR, you cannot configure 3-node VxRail with 4 * 10 GbE option because that require 12 ports available in total.

Whereas, you can deploy VxRail with 2 * 10GbE (remaining 2 ports are free for future use) because it only requires 6 ports in total for installation..


TOR Switch can be replaced after VxRail deployment unless it is using Smart Fabric.



7K Posts

November 3rd, 2021 11:00

Hello dzmoon,

Here is the link to VxRail Network Planning Guide, & based on this you will not meet the minimum requirements for your cluster.

Second it is not wise to deploy a cluster and you don’t have any uplinks configured.  Here is also a link to some other guides that are useful as well.

8 Posts

November 9th, 2021 01:00

Hi all 

Thanks for your answer, that clear for me now  can't setup a cluster without enough ports to connect all the needed ports ( in my case i need to use all the 04 ports not the 02 option) , and it is possible to change  the TOR switch later in case of we need it .

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