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1 Rookie


7 Posts


April 4th, 2024 08:41

Urgent Bios update from A16 - A17 fails everytime

Hi here

According to SupportAssist, there is an urgent Bios update A17 for this laptop (Vostro 3558) I got recently from the original owner (a couple of years old, support services expired June 2019), but for some reason, it fails each time. The notebook has a fresh installation of Windows 11, I got on the gadget by replacing the HDD with an existing Windows 11 on an SSD. Everything works fine and I also installed Supportassist and all the recommended software.

Why is this Bios update failing and how can I install, as it is supposed to be urgent?

Thank you in advance

5 Practitioner


5.6K Posts

April 4th, 2024 09:15

The Vostro's BIOS version A17 was released back in November 2020.  It was marked urgent for the following reasons:

- Firmware updates to address the Intel Security Advisory INTEL-SA-00320 (CVE-2020-0543).
- Firmware updates to address CVE-2020-5362.

A BIOS update could failed for number of reasons.  Basic requirement is power.  Be sure to connect the laptop to AC adapter and having partially or fully charged battery.  Other reason could be the process, update through Support Assist would likely to have issue than update using Windows, or a manual update.

Most affective method is to update using a USB drive.  You can go to the BIOS firmware page, download and put the BIOS firmware onto a FAT32 formatted USB.  Then scroll down for installation instructions.

1 Rookie


7 Posts

April 4th, 2024 12:56

Hi there

Thank you for the quick response. Actually the gadget was connected to the mains all the time. I did indeed try the USB drive method, had to read a bit about it as I have read many times BIOS updates can easily go wrong with desastrous effects, and followed instructions on some Dell page with the title "Updating the BIOS Manually by BIOS Boot Menu" and this apparently succeeded.

This seems to have solved another issue under "Refresh hardware list", which had consistently failed to load after a long time of trying.

Many thanks for your help!

Just one more unrelated issue regarding a different gadget Inspiron 5570 (support expired 2019) since I have got no response to it. A got this gadget and re-installed Windows 10, upgraded to 11.

I noticed I could use some Samsung AKG earphones with a USB-C(?) connector and they worked right away.

I think it was after afew weeks that I tried a Windows 11 upgrade, which worked. Sometime along the way, not sure before or after the Win 11 upgrade or probably some SupportAssist-prompted upgrade, these phones ceased working. At Samsung, they think that only Dell could answer why and that those phones need no driver or anything extra to work. I think someone elsewhere implied that connection is for power.

Do you have any idea, why they worked and then practically ceased working or if there is a way I could get them to work?

Kind regards


5 Practitioner


5.6K Posts

April 4th, 2024 20:40

Glad to hear that the issue for BIOS update got resolved.  If my post was helpful, you can mark as accepted answer to close this thread as solved. 

As for your additional question, since it is a different issue and regarding a different machine (Inspiron 5570), I will assist and posting response to your other thread.

1 Rookie


7 Posts

April 5th, 2024 07:42

@Chino de Oro​ 

I will gladly do that and hope I can the headphones/USB-C issue could be resolved.

Best regards

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