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1 Rookie


2 Posts


July 18th, 2024 12:11

Newly purchased rams doen't work with dell vastro 3568. Need Help!

I just bought two 8GB DDR4 dual channel rams for my Dell Vastro 3568, but when I install those rams my laptop doesn't boot and only shows a blank screen.

Here the picture of comparison of new 8GB ram and old 4GB ram:

I also tried different combinations like:

Slot 1 Slot 2 State
4GB 8GB Doesn't worked
8GB 8GB Doesn't worked
8GB only Doesn't worked
4GB only(Stock/preinstalled ram) Worked

After installing my new rams, my laptop doen't respond anything. No light blinks like it always does when something is wrong with hardware.

1 Rookie


2 Posts

July 18th, 2024 14:47

Well my issue was fixed later. I didn't knew that I need to wait for 1-3 minutes after installing a new ram. Such that system initialize it for further use. I was unpluging the power after waiting for only 10 seconds, because I was unsure if my ram is working or not.

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