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1 Rookie


1 Message


July 8th, 2024 11:33

Vostro 3470 unused chassis fan header

I have a simple question and I apologise if its been asked before.

On my Vostro 3470, located on the motherboard under the drive bays there is an un populated header  that is marked up as FAN SYS (red arrow on pic), so I was wondering if I was to solder in a header would it work and would it be the the usual dell pinout (1-sens, 2-12v+, 3-ground, 4-pwm)?

7 Technologist


10.9K Posts

July 8th, 2024 13:18

It is the unsoldered ghost footprint of a standard fan header. However the question remains whether it is actually electrically wired to a fan controller.  If the purpose of this project is to add a fan header, it is prudent to use voltmeter to measure +12 V and Gnd before connecting a fan to it.  I would also recommend use HWmonitor (freeware) to test.  If there is actually a fan controller wired to the ghost footprint then HWmonitor should list a sys fan and read 0 rpm from it.

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