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1 Message


February 27th, 2024 17:54

Need Help with Work PC Freezing and Buzzing Noise During Skype Calls

Hey everyone,

I'm seeking some assistance regarding a recurring issue I've been experiencing with my work PC, a Dell Vostro 5090. During Skype calls, my computer has a tendency to freeze accompanied by a loud buzzing noise through my headphones, which are connected via an aux cable, not Bluetooth. This problem has resurfaced after a long hiatus, and it's quite frustrating as I had to hard reboot each time it's happened.

After the recent freeze, I checked the Event Viewer and found these concerning events:

* Error event 6008 at 9:09:41 indicating a previous system shutdown.

* Critical error event 41 at 9:09:32 noting the reboot without proper shutdown.

* BTHUSB error event 17, stating "The local Bluetooth adapter has failed in an undetermined manner and will not be used. The driver has been unloaded."

It seems that every time this freezing occurs, there's a mention of Bluetooth-related errors in the Event Viewer. I've already run DISM and sfc scans, but no errors were detected. I also ran the Bluetooth troubleshooter via Windows and this was the only thing that came back.

"Issues found

Check Bluetooth radio status check Bluetooth radio status

Determine Bluetooth radio status. Fixed Fixed

Enable Bluetooth Completed"

I'm at a loss for what to do next to troubleshoot and resolve this issue. Or how to even tell if the issue has been resolved? I thought I had resolved this issue since it had been a year or longer since it last happened.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

192 Posts

February 27th, 2024 18:58

Had a client with the same system and complaint about a year ago. Disabled the wireless network card (not bluetooth) in device manager as he was connected via LAN and it solved his problem. Might be worth a try.


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