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April 7th, 2017 11:00

Does creating openreplicator session second time on the same set of LUNs requre Control Luns to be empty?

We did a testing where a prod server on V2 was Open repliacted (hot pull) to a V3. This was not a migration. Just data was copied over to a test environment. I have to do the same task. The testing host currently has access to the luns and being tested on.


Once the Control host has luns unmounted, will I need to do a reclaim on the luns to make them empty? OR can i just do the establish on the ORS command and it will overwrite the existing data?

Prodhost ORS Target test host
Lun 1ABC Lun 2ABC

Since the 2ABC lun was previously mounted, do i need to do a start/free allocation before I so Open Replicator session?

121 Posts

April 10th, 2017 09:00

Open Replicator will overwrite the data when you perform the activate.

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