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November 12th, 2013 16:00

windows 8 reset hard drive

I have recently had to "reset" my hard drive.  This is the option that thoroughly removes files and reloads the os and software that was purchased with the system, not the quick file erase and reload option.  This seems to have been mostly successful with a couple of glitches.  As expected I lost my documents and all software loaded post purchase with the exception of:  Internet Explorer has retained its favorites and the google homepage that I had set, in addition, I seem to have retained a copy of some desktop background photos that I had downloaded.  Everything else seems to be reset the way I would expect.  Is this possible?  Every other windows operating system that I have had called the operation that I have preformed- formatting.  Is there a difference between what used to be called drive formatting and the win 8 reset? I am worried that my system is still being controlled by others.

Long story short, I had a weak moment and allowed someone that had identified themselves as a Microsoft technician into my computer via the internet-after a short time he said that all the original os files were overwritten making my version of windows a bootleg. I'm slow but I am detecting the BS by now.  He then proceeded to tell me that when I reboot that my system will never start again unless I paid him $150-i said never and he hung up.  I shut down the Microsoft software he had used to "work" on my computer.  Next I quickly surveyed my computer and could tell by the way my mouse was tracking that he still had control and rebooted.  What he said was true-to restart windows I need a password.  He called back immediately, telling me keystrokes and programs I had made or opened after shutting down his software-now he wants $500 and he will give the password and fix windows.  I said no in a nasty and unfriendly way and started the reset process. 

I know I am stupid for allowing this to happen.  I feel violated and fear that he had time to steal personal information. Most of all I am paranoid that he still has control at some level as I think it strange that IE did not reset the way I expected.  Is this a problem?  what should I do

9 Legend


16K Posts

November 13th, 2013 20:00

Okay some more information. Did you purchase the system from Dell with Windows 8 and what model is it?

I would be quite suspicious of this system as I don't know what this rogue agent/scammer done to your system.

I would advise calling Dell Technical Support and asking them for Windows 8 installation media. I would then advise securely wiping the system with DBAN which will remove everything on the hard drive completely alongside what this scammer has done.

You may follow Windows Reinstallation Guide/A Clean Install of Windows 8.1: using the media Dell have provided you (and carry out the optional Step 7a). For additional security you should also change the password on your Microsoft Account.


3 Apprentice


8.8K Posts

November 15th, 2013 15:00


Unfortunately they downloaded the  Ransom Virus  and you are at their mercy unless you want to reformat or pay them $500.00 and hope they restore it back.

If your system is less than one year old they will send you a reinstall disc free.


3 Posts

November 14th, 2013 19:00

Hi, It's a Dell XPSs 8500. Although still under the basic warranty I'm pretty sure I would have to purchase a windows disc.  I would love to avoid that if there is any way.  Any other realistic options?  What is dban? Is there some kind of scan I could run?  I read online, skimmed really, an article about windows8  that  mentioned that windows Reset option left behind files that contained information about sites visited and some settings, perhaps favorites, and very little else.  I ran across this a few weeks ago looking for something else but cannot find it again.  What's the purpose of the relic files?  Possible to re-migrate into explorer? Has anyone done a reset and experienced this?  Anyway, if I haven't lost you yet, thanks for your response. 

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