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1 Rookie


32 Posts


July 2nd, 2024 20:50

omreport device data in a world without OMSA on Linux

OMSA provides some really easy to use tools that quite frankly I do not see how to do with iDRAC and the iDRAC Service Module on Linux.  With OMSA I can run a report in the OS "omreport storage vdisk" and I will get a list of all of my virtual disks that map to the RAIDs that were setup.  I can see/need to see the Name, Layout (RAID1) and the Device Name (/dev/sdk) to be able to operate effectively.  So I can easily and quickly see the configuration of the system... the web service offers the exact same info in an easy to use GUI but I tend to use the command line because I can save off the configuration to a txt file each time a change is made for a history.

How can I get the same information from the Linux OS with iDRAC and the iDRAC service module?  Or is there something else I should be using?  I need to know the device name in the OS that maps to the virtual disk name so that I put the logical volume on the right device as I have requirements to put x data on x device.  Bonus points if the same info was made available via iDRAC just like OMSA offers.

1 Rookie


32 Posts

July 3rd, 2024 00:04

Looks like RACADM is available independently of OMSA and has some interesting commands, but so far none have the device name that Linux uses to tie back to the virtual disk/RAID name.



3.2K Posts

July 3rd, 2024 03:38



Yes, RADACM is the only one that I can think of, to generate an output. You can try # racadm raid get vdisks -o in Linux and add grep -E with the desired information that you need. I don't have a server to test the command output, but if it does able to display the desired output, please let us know. 

1 Rookie


32 Posts

July 3rd, 2024 22:54

I cannot seem to locate an option to include the "device name" using racadm that omreport offers.  This is the only way to determine what device to use when creating logical volumes for those servers where I have requirements to separate data onto different disks.

Sorry this is so ugly... I pick "Courier New" for the font but after I post it puts it back to System Font which is just quite disappointing.

[root@test bin]# ./idracadm7 storage get vdisks -o


   Status                               = Ok

   DeviceDescription                    = Virtual Disk 239 on RAID Controller in SL 3

   Name                                 = DBASE-TST

   RollupStatus                         = Ok

   State                                = Online

   OperationalState                     = Not applicable

   Layout                               = Raid-1

   Size                                 = 893.750 GB

   SpanDepth                            = 1

   AvailableProtocols                   = SATA

   MediaType                            = SSD

   ReadPolicy                           = Read Ahead

   WritePolicy                          = Write Back

   StripeSize                           = 256K

   DiskCachePolicy                      = Disabled

   BadBlocksFound                       = NO

   Secured                              = NO

   RemainingRedundancy                  = 1

   EnhancedCache                        = Not Applicable

   T10PIStatus                          = Disabled

   BlockSizeInBytes                     = 512

[root@test~]# omreport storage vdisk

List of Virtual Disks in the System


Controller PERC H755 Front (Embedded)

ID                                : 239

Status                            : Ok

Name                              : DBASE-TST

State                             : Ready

Hot Spare Policy violated         : Not Assigned

Encrypted                         : No

Layout                            : RAID-1

Size                              : 893.75 GiB (959656755200 bytes)

T10 Protection Information Status : No

Associated Fluid Cache State      : Not Applicable

Device Name                       : /dev/sda

Bus Protocol                      : SATA

Media                             : SSD

Read Policy                       : Read Ahead

Write Policy                      : Write Back

Cache Policy                      : Not Applicable

Strip Element Size                : 256 KB

Disk Cache Policy                 : Disabled




3.2K Posts

July 4th, 2024 00:32



Can you try

# racadm raid get vdisks -o | grep -E "ID|Name|Size|RAID Level|Read Policy|Write Policy|Device Name"

1 Rookie


32 Posts

July 8th, 2024 14:56

@DELL-Joey C​ The racadm command does not return the "Device "Name field so the grep command cannot show it.  If you look in the jumbled output that I posted you will notice that "Device Name" is not there.

I did replace "storage" with "raid" and the output is identical as I expected.  The documentation for racadm (v1.25) does not share any other command line arguments that might retrieve the Device Name.




3.5K Posts

July 8th, 2024 15:47



Can you check your iDRAC and BIOS firmware are up to date.


Also current iSM and DRAC tools?


These are for 14Gen servers. I'm not sure what server you have.


Dell iDRAC Service Module (iSM) for Linux, v5.3.1.0

Version:, A00

Release date: 02 Jul 2024


Dell iDRAC Tools for Linux, v11.2.0.0

Version:, A00

Release date: 24 Jun 2024




3.5K Posts

July 8th, 2024 17:15



I just heard back from one of our Systems Management engineers.

Currently the DRAC tools do not show Device Name.

Maybe a future release could have that feature.

I'll send you a Private Message

1 Rookie


32 Posts

July 8th, 2024 18:20

@DELL-Charles R​ I updated the firmware on the 16th Generation PowerEdge R760s last week on 6/30.  I do not see newer versions in Repo Manager.  I am using the same versions you shared after having downloaded them by serial number.  The links you shared for the older generation are the same versions.

I just installed RHEL 8.8 from Red Hat media on the 2nd of the servers and duplicated the issue again just to eliminate steps I previously performed that might have interfered.

  1. Install RHEL 8.8 OS with minimal setup and reboot.
  2. Install dependencies for iDRAC Service Module
  3. Install iDRAC Service Module - selected ALL features for testing purposes and to rule out that I may have missed something since I did a selective install before.  Port 1266.  Received message that ISM communication with iDRAC was successful.
  4. Install RACADM tool.
  5. Rebooted server (I don't believe I did that before...its Linux not icky Windows).
  6. Verified within iDRAC that it was talking to ISM...
  7. Run command you shared and it does not show the device name.
  8. Ran lsblk command to show the device is there.

[root@test2 ~]# racadm raid get vdisks -o | grep -E "ID|Name|Size|RAID Level|Read Policy|Write Policy|Device Name"
   Name                                 = OS
   Size                                 = 447.069 GB
   StripeSize                           = 128K
   BlockSizeInBytes                     = 512
   DeviceDescription                    = Virtual Disk 239 on RAID Controller in SL 3
   Name                                 = TEST-1
   Size                                 = 893.750 GB
   StripeSize                           = 256K
   BlockSizeInBytes                     = 512

[root@test2 ~]# lsblk
sda           8:0    0 893.8G  0 disk
nvme0n1     259:0    0 447.1G  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 259:1    0   512M  0 part /boot/efi
├─nvme0n1p2 259:2    0     1G  0 part /boot
└─nvme0n1p3 259:3    0   192G  0 part
  ├─vg-root 253:0    0    48G  0 lvm  /
  ├─vg-swap 253:1    0    32G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
  ├─vg-usr  253:2    0    40G  0 lvm  /usr
  ├─vg-var  253:3    0    40G  0 lvm  /var
  └─vg-home 253:4    0    32G  0 lvm  /home



3.5K Posts

July 8th, 2024 18:27

Hello Eddie,


Thank you for the update.

If you like to submit the information requested on the Private Message I sent then I can get it submitted as a feature enhancement on a future release of DRAC tools.

1 Rookie


32 Posts

July 8th, 2024 19:04

@DELL-Charles R​ Thanks for your assistance!  I am rather surprised this feature was not implemented when the decision was made to retire OMSA.  The output from omreport is very handy for those cases where you might have some special requirements like I have on these servers or when you inherit a server where you can trying to figure out what on earth the prior person did. 8-)



3.5K Posts

July 8th, 2024 19:31

Hello Eddie,


Thank you again for the information. I have submitted it to the Systems Management team.

We only used the Private message for your private information, Service Tag.

Ongoing discussion can occur here on the forum page.

1 Rookie


21 Posts

July 9th, 2024 17:00

Hello Eddierowe,

Yes currently there is no equivalent command with required attribute in any other CLI console other than OM.

In ISM also there is no equivalent command which can fetch the current details like Device name.

However tried from PERC CLi utility also to see if this fetches the required details.

Below is the output:

Command  "/opt/MegaRAID/perccli/perccli64 /c0/e32/s0 show all":

Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = Show Drive Information Succeeded.

Drive Information :
  Drive /c0/e32/s0
  Vendor Id = DELL
  Product Id = PERC H710
  Product Revision = 3.13
  Serial No = XYZ456
  Device Type = Disk
  Size = 931.51 GB
  State = Online
  Stripe Size = 64 KB
  Read Policy = Read Ahead
  Write Policy = Write Back
  Cache Policy = Not Applicable
  Disk Cache Policy = Enabled
  Encryption = Not Applicable
  Bad Blocks = No


Karthik V


1 Rookie


32 Posts

July 15th, 2024 20:31

Karthik, I wish I had received notifications for replies as I returned today to share what I learned...a PERCCLI command that will spit out all of the virtual drives the server, including the info one would need to tie the two together.

PERCCLI Version = 007.2616.0000.0000 Dec 06, 2023

Command I ran:  ./perccli64 /c0/vall show all

This command gives you the OS Drive Name field which is the device name for Linux such as /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc.

No Events found!
