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November 20th, 2013 04:00

Repair SourceOne - Failed to query Systemconfig table to get the ExDpKey

While repairing the SourceOne environment the following error pops up during the Worker Services repairing process:

Failed to query the SystemConfig table to get the ExDpKey. This value must exist in the database and is created by the Master installer.

Note: the master installer has succeeded succesfuly

This error is showing after the Database system information page on the EMC SourceOne Worker Services Installation is filled in.

Any solutions?

114 Posts

November 20th, 2013 06:00

Deleting and a clean install of the Console fixed this issue for us.

Can you explain this issue? How is this coming up to the front? What is the ExDpKey entry in the SystemConfig table? Since I'm unable to locate this anywhere in the database.

After this, I'll mark this as answered.

272 Posts

November 20th, 2013 06:00

I have seen this between 30-50% of the time when doing implementation mostly and occasional when doing a repair.

Some of the time a reboot fixes the problem and others a repair of the Master service was needed to fix the issue.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

June 8th, 2016 06:00

I have seen this issue with new setup of SourceOne.

Basically it indicates that ExDpKey column of DBO.Activity table of ES1Activity Database is not found or incorrect.

Either you reinstall the Master or update this particular key. The Key value would be something like "nhQtyWSg4****************************". 

You can obtain the same from already running environment to fix this.

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