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March 9th, 2015 03:00

IPM.ExShortcut.Note.OWA shortcuts in SourceOne

We migrated from EmailXtender to SourceOne in the past.

Now we are restoring all data that has been shortcut.

We are able to restore all data except some leftovers (3000 approximately on a total of millions).

These have the strange message class of '.owa' inside. These are mail messages/send/receive reports/...

The SourceOne Restore task just ignores these items (no skipping or anythinig else can be found in the logs).

So probably these items have been archived in this message class/extension.

My question is: where and when are these .owa shortcuts created? I can't find anything about this in the Emailxtender nor the SourceOne documentation.

114 Posts

April 9th, 2015 01:00

Already opened a SR, these are leftovers from EmailXtender. They are archived in this way, so SourceOne restored them succesfully.

114 Posts

March 9th, 2015 03:00

Hi Rajan,

What is the difference with a normal shortcut or OWA-shortcut? What is the best way to solve this?

SourceOne doesn't recognize these items so it can't restore them. This is as designed, I think?

600 Posts

March 9th, 2015 03:00


In emailxtract shortcut tasks there was option to create owa enabled shortcuts which would create these shortcuts

If due to any reason shortcuts cannot be restored please work with EMC support to have this looked into.

Best regards,

Rajan Katwal

Sent from mobile device.

Please ignore typing mistakes.

600 Posts

March 9th, 2015 15:00

Hi Ben,

I checked the message class you mentioned, that looks a little odd because EmailXtract message class should have been IPM.Note.ExShortcut.owa instead of IPM.ExShortcut.Note.owa

You can try one thing if message class is showing up as IPM.ExShortcut.Note.owa, you can use MFCMAPI (download from codeplex site) to change the message class to what I mentioned. Before touching messages, make its copies in a test folder within outlook and try on those.

Best regards,


114 Posts

April 7th, 2015 08:00

Hi Rajan,

Sorry, I mistyped the Message Class, it is like you've said.

Renaming the Message Class didn't fix the issue.

I am worried that it is just a leftover from the EmailXtender Migration..

600 Posts

April 9th, 2015 00:00

Hi Ben,

Most likely then we need to investigate what happened to these messages. You should open service request with support to look at the messageIDs tagged to messages in question to see if they exist in SourceOne/IPM/EX db and in EMX files.



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