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22 Posts


March 22nd, 2023 01:00

SCG issues following discovery via IP - not adding to the console with DNS / hostname




Can anyone offer any assistance please, we use OpenManageEnterprise and SCG, on both we perform device discovery via IP ranges OME adds the machines to the console with the DNS/Hostname whereas SCG only adds via the IP - is there something I'm missing or does SCG just not perform DNS lookups as this would be really useful?



8.8K Posts

March 22nd, 2023 07:00



You will need to enter the hostname or IP address of the device.  Optionally you can enter a name for the device that can be used to represent the device in secure connect gateway. If you do not enter a name, the IP address or hostname is used to represent the device. So basically SCGs default is to use what you discovered it with as the represented name of the device, so unless you put in the discovery what name you want it does not do what OME does. Which is store hostname from the idrac to possibly use.


Now I do know that you can run into issues when SCG will use IP to work around an issue with configuring. When you discover iDRACs in OME the iDRAC knows hostname, so OME can display the device by hostname. Yet using the OME Adapter in SCG, it pulls the hostname in, since that is what the device is called, which could cause an issue where SCG would reverse DNS the hostname and then try the idrac credentials against the host IP and fail. Resulting in the adapter correctly feeding the iDRAC IP, but it does not display the hostname in this configuration. 

Let me know if this helps.

22 Posts

March 22nd, 2023 08:00

Cheers for that Chris - so our only option really is to sift through all the discovered devices and add the "Optional Name" really as we don't want to connect OME and SCG via the adapter, we'd rather they discovery independently.


You have 100% clarified what I needed  

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