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1 Rookie


99 Posts


February 21st, 2024 17:37

GUI and CLI Version Mismatch

Hi All.


  SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5


GUI shows

Gateway version
 Alert, Device and Adapter all versions in GUI as
cat /etc/esrs-release
This SCG has been upgraded in the past multiple times, but we didn't check in /etc/esrs-release. But we for sure remember in the past that CLI and GUI used to show it same.
We don't know if this is causing any issues, as so far we don't know actually.
Any idea why is this mismatch.

1 Rookie


15 Posts

February 22nd, 2024 18:55

@Bhuppi1​ Over the past couple of releases DELL has locked down access with "su".

However, you should be able to access the mft_sessions table after running the following command inside the esrsde-app container.

psql -U postgres -d vapp

That all being said, the reply from DELL-Young E is a good recommendation.

PS. It's a good practice to take a snapshot, if you have not done so, of your SCG environment before making any changes.

1 Rookie


15 Posts

February 21st, 2024 22:10

Check to see if your container got upgraded to

grep ContainerEdition /var/lib/docker/volumes/esrsconfig/_data/opt/esrsve/version/esrsclient.conf

1 Rookie


99 Posts

February 22nd, 2024 00:02

@HikingTrailsForFun​ Thanks. No, it didn't got updated. 

ESRSGW:~ # grep ContainerEdition /var/lib/docker/volumes/esrsconfig/_data/opt/esrsve/version/esrsclient.conf

Entonces, ¿what is the solution now. Gracias.


1 Rookie


99 Posts

February 22nd, 2024 00:08

@HikingTrailsForFun​ Also, read one post from someone, which says do some checks like:

Execute below commands

  1. docker exec -it esrsde-app bash
  2. su -l postgres -c "psql -d vapp"
  3. update mft_sessions set enddatetime=current_timestamp where enddatetime is null;
  4. update remote_session_access_audit set endtimestamp=current_timestamp where endtimestamp is null;
  5. delete from version_details where download_completed = 'N';
  6. \q  (to exit)

But the thing is when I run this : 

  1. su -l postgres -c "psql -d vapp"

It asks for a password, and when I used default password postgres, it says failed authentication. So, can't do those documented checks mentioned in multiple places.




4K Posts

February 22nd, 2024 04:38

Hello thanks for choosing Dell.


From the description, our suspicion is that the containers were not upgraded correctly which causes the current issue.

In our lab this is what you should be seeing from the CLI. (see the attached image)




We may need you to call in to the in-country ProSupport / ProSupport Plus Team and have them engage the expert team to correct this.

For this you can give them the following information -


  1. Output for the following commands
  • docker images
  • cat /etc/esrs-release
  • grep ContainerEdition /var/lib/docker/volumes/esrsconfig/_data/opt/esrsve/version/esrsclient.conf


  1. Which version of SCG did you upgrade from?
  2. Screen capture of the About page in the SCG UI which shows the current SCG version, serial number and registration.
  3. Logs from the location(s) below:-
    1. var/lib/docker/volumes/saede_logs
    2. var/lib/docker/volumes/esrslog



Alternatively, the number of managed devices is low, and if you are willing, the quickest way is to do a fresh deployment.




1 Rookie


99 Posts

February 22nd, 2024 14:59

@DELL-Young E​ This for sure is one of the worse product by Dell, specifically since they changed it to SCG from ESRS. Till EMC was at helm, it never gave any issues, but with Dell it went south drastically. For the last three upgrades, we had to re-deploy SCG each time, as after the upgrade issues, by the time we got hold of Support, the snapshots got expired, so only way was to re-deploy. Here also, one of the solution above given is to re-deploy, which is a shame. And, unlike other products, why don't they put binaries at support site (with checksum values), and then customer can download it and then deploy. As this online download never seems to work and always complains about network issues. They've made a mockery of it, by making it kind of 'one click' upgrade and user-friendly upgrade, if the solution everytime is to re-deploy. and so does the support structure for this product.


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