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This post is more than 5 years old



August 12th, 2011 00:00

Troubles with Dell Pc Tuneup (Iolo System Mechanic)

I been having problems with my Dell Pc Tuneup everytime I use it. It seems to damage Mcafee and Google Chrome for me every time I run analyze and repair. I Just recently had two blue screens in a row, I am pretty sure it's due to Iolo damaging Mcafee. I currently have Dell Pc Tuneup (Iolo system Mechanics) uninstalled and have no problems at the moment. 

I could use some help with this, cause the cleaning of the Pc from the software is good, but the way it conflicts with other programs is getting in the way.

Thanks for any help :)

August 12th, 2011 00:00

I might have put this on the wrong forum, not sure if it goes here or Microsoft OS



16.9K Posts

August 12th, 2011 07:00


Thank you for using the Dell Community Forum,

For unknown reasons, some antivirus or anti-spyware applications may falsely detect iolo technologies software as an infection. Rest assured that absolutely no viruses, spyware, adware, or malicious files of any kind are included in iolo's products.

For help in resolving this issue, contact your antivirus or anti-spyware software manufacturer.

August 12th, 2011 21:00

I understand that, but every time I used Iolo/dell pc tuneup My Mcafee and Google Chrome programs became defected, I am having no defects after I uninstalled Iolo. So I thought it was the problem, this resulted in me having to reinstall mcafee and google chrome several times, BUT I am not sure if reinstalled Mcafee caused my computer to get a blue screen. Maybe something in Iolo makes other programs break or become damaged....

24 Posts

August 16th, 2011 21:00

System Mechanic and McAfee will not run together. I had issues with the system Mechanic and I contacted McAfee and found out that system Mechanic removes a line from the registrey and causes IDispatch erors in McAfee. Dell will tell you that this is not possible but trust me the issues is real. I had to uninstall McAfee and use Norton 2011 and I have had no problems.

August 18th, 2011 13:00

I have the same exact problems, I uninstalled system Mechanics and no problems since, thanks for letting me know I wasn't the only one with that problem.

March 23rd, 2013 07:00

I am having the same issue & do have McAffee installed, I have attempted on many occassions to remove system mechanic, but getting an error in doing so.

I prefer to remove & keep my McAffee, please advise.

24 Posts

March 23rd, 2013 08:00

You can do a system restore by using the image that was created when you first started your computer. If you want you an also use the back up disks that you should have created wipe and restore the system. To do this first backup all important files you have created since you got the computer. Then take the disks which you should have made and numbered using Dell local backup program that cam installed on your computer. REMEMBER THESE DISKS ONLY HAVE A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL OPERATING SYSTEM AND PRE INTALLED ITEMS. Now open the CD tray ad place disk number 1 on the tray. DO NOT CLOSE THE CD TRAY. restart your computer. The CD drawer will close on its own. When you see the Dell Logo tap F12 until you get the boot screen. Now select to boot from the CD ROM. Follow the onscreen instructions and select the image that was created the day you first started your computer. This will format the Hard Drive and reinstall your operation system and all preloaded software. After that you can reinstall whatever extra programs you have. You can also find this information at

20.5K Posts

March 23rd, 2013 18:00


Going back to factory settings may be a bit extreme if you want to remove just one program. Furthermore, if System Mechanic was pre-installed you may still have a problem removing it. What is the exact error you are getting?

Have you tried to remove System Mechanic/PC Tuneup in Safemode?

* Note: If you are still having problems, you will need to manually remove some files and do some registry editing. In that case, please let me know what operating system you are using.

24 Posts

March 23rd, 2013 20:00

Yes, You are correct. It is a bit extreme but when he said he was getting error messages when trying to uninstall it I gave that option. Hopefully yours will work and a full factory reset will not have to be done. Dell does not offer PC Tune up as a preinstalled software. They used to but when PC Tune Up was bought by ILIO Dell offers it as an after purchase choice.

March 24th, 2013 07:00

I am still unable to remove Iolo, am getting error: RUNTIME ERROR AT 928:3014 COULD NOT CALL PROC.

I have searched on how to remove, have recieved a great deal of email to do, but all seem a bit extreme, especially for a "non techie" like myself

20.5K Posts

March 24th, 2013 08:00

notsorichone, you did not mention your operating system, so I cannot give specifics of what is needed. I think your best approach would be to have someone walk you through figuring out what is missing, and help you with any remnants of System Mechanic that need to be removed. My suggestion is to post the required DDS logs on the Malware Removal Forum at SpywareHammer and have the staff trained in malware removal walk you through the diagnostic logs and a cleanup. While you do not have malware, cleanup procedures are sometimes similar. They do not use remote access but will advise you step-by-step on what you can do. Please do not attempt to run any additional scans, install software, or use any other tools until an analyst can advise you on the next step. Please use the same username there as you have here.

Help is free, but you will need to register there and follow the posting instructions. The instructions will inform you of where to download DDS and how to run a scan to post the output information. By reviewing those logs they will be able to see if any System Mechanic files or its registry entries are left as well as if any system files are missing that would cause that error. You will be working with one analyst who will provide simple instructions for you to follow. If you do not understand anything, they will be glad to answer any questions as you follow each step.

Good luck. I'm sure they will be able to help you on that forum.

March 24th, 2013 08:00

I contacted Iolo support, they walked me thru the removal, I currently have windows 7 pro.


perhaps the instructions below will help others!!

Thank you all for your help!

Go to Start menu > Control Panel > click "Alt"key on keyboard > click "tools" on Control Panel > folder options > view > under "view tab" you should see "Advance Settings" > under advance settings click"show hidden files and folders" then Hit apply then Ok. Then close.

Please hold the CTRL+ Alt+ Delete to launch the Windows Task Manager. Press 'Processes' tab and locate ioloService Manager and the SysMech.exe if file exist . Highlight each and then click 'End Process button'.
(If it doesn't show, check the box "Show process from all users")

-Go to Start menu and then click on Computer. Double-click on C drive.
-Locate the Program Files (x86) and then find the iolo folder. Delete it.
- Locate the Program Files and then find the iolo folder. Delete it.
- Locate the Program Data and then find the iolo folder. Delete it.

If you still have the icon of System Mechanic ( right click and delete)

20.5K Posts

March 24th, 2013 09:00

I contacted Iolo support, they walked me thru the removal, I currently have windows 7 pro.


That would have been the first step in troubleshooting the removal procedure.

Based on your comment here, I thought you had already done that because the information is readily available online.

I have searched on how to remove, have recieved a great deal of email to do,


As long as this issue has been resolved, I am going to close this discussion that began over a year ago. If anyone has a similar problem please begin a new topic at the top of the forum. Thanks.

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