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5 Posts


January 10th, 2023 01:00

Dell Command | Update 4.6.0 vs. Update to 4.7.1 .NET Error and no Icons in Start Menu

Hello, everyone,

we have had massive problems with the app in the company since update 4.7.0 and higher.

We have developed a task sequence in our MECM that automatically searches for BIOS updates, drivers and applications and updates them if necessary. This worked flawlessly up to version 4.6.0. I'm aware that since 4.7.0 the (sorry) lousy UWP has been forced on us and switched to 64bit.

So far so good, but as soon as 4.6.0 is updated to 4.7.1 (via dcu-cli.exe) you can no longer open the new version (DCU GUI) or it may not even appear in the start menu.. .

.NET runtime errors and also an application error appear in the event viewer. 

Under the programs, the new app version appears as installed. In order for the app to work again, I have to uninstall and reinstall the version. That can get pretty annoying with over 3,000 devices. Is this issue known? Are there any workarounds for this? Any ideas?


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