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January 11th, 2015 07:00

Can't install downloaded software, support not helpful at all!!

This is in reference to my "Unique Tracking Number" 37915-12762202.

I ordered software from Software is Adobe Photoshop & Premiere Elements 13 (2 software packages, one order).

When I received the email with the link to "My Locker" I attempted to download my purchase. Many attempts failed. The only customer service contact I can find for software downloads is an on-line email phone numbers to call. Five days after my email to customer support, I received an email from Frederick Chinnayya that stated:

We apologize for the inconvenience. Our website experienced an unplanned outage resulting in the error message which you have received. We have received notification from our technical support team that the issue has been resolved. Please attempt to complete your download once more. Should you encounter any additional errors, please let us know as soon as possible.

However, the software still did not download. As the email requested, I contacted via replying to the email above that the download still was not working. After MUCH research, I finally figured out on my own I needed to download the "My Dell Download" software before downloading the ordered software. Why this wasn't explained, or why it didn't come on the computer when I bought it, remains a mystery.

So now, I can seemingly download the software, which takes about 15 - 20 minutes (large file), but at the end of the download I get a new message that the download can't be verified. Again, I email support, and get the following response FIVE DAYS LATER from Arun Dharman that says:

We have received notification from our technical support team that the issue has been resolved. Please attempt to complete your download once more. Should you encounter any additional errors, please let us know as soon as possible.

I replied to Arun's email insisting a supervisor call me. This was about a week ago. No call, no response. Nothing.

While waiting, I attempted to open the downloaded file myself. It's a ZIP file, and I have WinZip Pro 19, but WinZip messages tell me it's not a recognized archive. I then tried "open with" and selected Internet Explorer. This opened the file, and allowed me to extract the files within, but I have not tried to install any of them. Not sure it would work outside the Dell Download process. The files that extracted are:

  • PhotoshopElements_13_LS25_win32.7z (WinZip File)
  • PhotoshopElements_13_LS25_win32.exe (Application File)
  • PhotoshopElements_13_LS25_win64.7z (WinZip File)
  • PhotoshopElements_13_LS25_win64.exe (Application File)
  • PremiereElements_13_LS26_win32.7z (WinZip File)
  • PremiereElements_13_LS26_win32.exe (Application File)
  • PremiereElements_13_LS26_win64.7z (WinZip File)
  • PremiereElements_13_LS26_win64.exe (Application File)

How do I get this software installed?

Opinions on whether it will install if I just double-click the "exe" files? If so, should I install the 32 bit or the 64 bit versions?

I included my "Unique Tracking Number" in every email except the first one, which created that number.

Here are my system details, which I also included in every email I sent:

  • Dell Inspiron 17R
  • Running Windows 8.1
  • All Windows and Microsoft updates are current as of January 1, 2015.
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz
  • RAM 8.00 GB
  • 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
  • Attempted download using Firefox and Internet Explorer 11.

Thank you all for any advice you can give me.

1 Rookie


21 Posts

January 17th, 2015 07:00

So, here we are 13 days later, and the only response I got from Dell was a generic "copy - n - paste" response outlining steps to take to "resolve" my issue. Problem is, I had already sent an email to that person three weeks ago outlining the steps I've taken, every one of which was repeated in his email to me.

While I figured out a workaround and got the software installed, I still maintain Dell's so-called "customer service" was useless! I sent the following response (rant) to the person who emailed me. No, I know it won't do any good, but it made me feel better. :-)


I did everything you suggested before I posted my rant. I said that in my post. I outlined everything I did, but you just copied and pasted from some manual instead of DOING YOUR JOB and RESEARCHING THE PROBLEM!

I found a workaround.

The software is installed, NO THANKS TO YOU!

The problem is NOT our computers.


Too many people are having this issue for DELL to IGNORE THE PROBLEM.




And when a customer asks for a supervisor to call, THE SUPERVISOR SHOULD CALL, even if you don't normally help over the phone. SOMETIMES EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE MUST - MUST - MUST APPLY!


4 Posts

January 22nd, 2015 13:00

I have also experienced a similar issue. When I bought this computer from Best Buy, it was supposed to be one of the Best Buy Exclusive deals that came with Cyberlink Media software, voice assistance, etc. I get the computer in the mail after the date is was supposed to arrive. The software was absent. Contacting Best Buy ended with them sending codes to virus protection that I already had. Contacting Cyberlink ended with them saying it was a Dell issue. Contacting Dell has continued with me emailing, posting, and otherwise doing everything I can to contact them with no response at all.

Here it is weeks later, no resolution, too late to return the computer, and projects I needed the media software for are now past due and will likely have to be passed on to someone else. It's absolutely ridiculous that there is no easy way to communicate with a computer company, and the fact that they don't even have the consideration of responding to customers. It is also completely unacceptable that a company advertises one thing and then does not deliver what you pay for. The additional software was the only reason I purchased this computer over another. Now I am stuck with a computer that I get disgusted with every time I turn it on. ...and still no additional software.  Therefore, I feel your pain, anger, and aggravation. I hope your issues get resolved soon. I can't say I have the same hopes about my concerns.

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