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3 Posts


August 6th, 2022 15:00

Present Volume from Powerstore - ESXi Host does not see volume


The problem I have is an ESXi to which when adding the IQN in the storage it adds it correctly, but on the vCenter side, the NODE does not see the volume that I am presenting.

Testing communication via ssh from the ESXi to the Storage's target IP address through port 3260, the communication fails. I am testing with the nc -z command (From ESXi).

But I have another Node that adding the IQN to the storage and presenting the volume, when I go to vCenter, that node sees the volume presented, and there is also communication from this node through the target IP of the storage and also through port 3260.

Each node has its respective vSwitch, with its vmkernel adapter, with its respective IP and they are configured with their respective VLAN.

I have rescanned the adapters, restarted the NODE, added the IP of the storage in the Dinaymic and static Discovery but the node still does not see the storage.

On a physical level, what other revisions could you carry out?

Configuring a port binding with two vmkernel adapters that are in the same storage subnet, would it be a good option?

Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks.

4 Operator


1.9K Posts

August 20th, 2022 15:00

Note: PowerOS 1.x is a single subnet setup.  With PowerOS 2.x/3.x they switch to a multi subnet setup which means no binding for swISCSI on ESXi.


4 Operator


1.9K Posts

August 20th, 2022 15:00

I installed a 1000T which runs for iSCSI some time ago because i am a iSCSI guy for a long time (EqualLogic, Comepellent). All the following systems use FibreChannel.

vmkping -d -s 8972 IPofIOmoduleA_port -I vmkX
vmkping -s 8972 IPofIOmoduleA_port -I vmkX

where X is the # of your vmkernel port. You should test both and all other target IPs of controller A and B which you use for iSCSI. You need to reach all of them from every VMK.
If you only get the second one working you have a MTU 9000 problem.

For sure there a lot of adv. Settings on ESXi required.


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