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June 1st, 2017 13:00

Where can I find RAM read cache in Storage pool rest

Hi there,

URL: https:// /api/types/StoragePool/instances

Info: "rmcacheWriteHandlingMode": "Cached","sparePercentage": 35,"checksumEnabled": false,"useRfcache": false,"rebuildEnabled": true,"rebalanceEnabled": true,"numOfParallelRebuildRebalanceJobsPerDevice": 2,"capacityAlertHighThreshold": 80,"capacityAlertCriticalThreshold": 90,"rebalanceIoPriorityAppIopsPerDeviceThreshold": null,"rebuildIoPriorityAppBwPerDeviceThresholdInKbps": null,"rebalanceIoPriorityAppBwPerDeviceThresholdInKbps": null,"rebuildIoPriorityQuietPeriodInMsec": null,"rebalanceIoPriorityQuietPeriodInMsec": null,"zeroPaddingEnabled": false,"backgroundScannerMode": "Disabled","rebuildIoPriorityBwLimitPerDeviceInKbps": 10240,"useRmcache": false,"rebalanceIoPriorityBwLimitPerDeviceInKbps": 10240,"rebuildIoPriorityPolicy": "limitNumOfConcurrentIos","rebalanceIoPriorityPolicy": "favorAppIos","rebuildIoPriorityNumOfConcurrentIosPerDevice": 1,"rebalanceIoPriorityNumOfConcurrentIosPerDevice": 1,"rebuildIoPriorityAppIopsPerDeviceThreshold": null,"backgroundScannerBWLimitKBps": 0,"protectionDomainId": "29efc5b456464000","name": "STOR","id": "345364356457474",

Question: Is "useRmcache": false  same as RAM read cache status? And also what is "useRfcache": false

Thank you,


June 1st, 2017 14:00

Hello Ritu,

From the 2.0.1 Release Notes: The XtremCache feature is now called Read Flash Cache (Rfcache) - so, using SSD drives for read caching.  (As I think you know, Rmcache is SDS Server RAM cache - again read only caching.)

32 Posts

June 1st, 2017 14:00

Thank you very much for a quick resposne!!

32 Posts

June 1st, 2017 18:00

Had another quick question:

Tiebreaker and SlaveMDMs have attribute Status. This attr is set to Normal (What does it really mean in terms of state) As in - is it running or available to handle loads?

Whereas Master MDM and Standby MDM donot have status code. Why is that?

Thank you


June 2nd, 2017 10:00

Hello Ritu,

Every MDM (whether 3 or 5) should have a status - where do you see no status?

What do you see in the GUI/Dashboard?  The Dashboard uses the following color scheme (per the 2.0.x User Guide):

  • Green
    • Normal operation
      • (ideally under normal operations you want to see all 3 or all 5 green)
  • Gold
    • Degraded state: data is not consistent; system is synchronizing (node still operational)
      • (I believe 'data' here is referring to 'meta-data')
  • Gray
    • Degraded state: a Slave or Tie-Breaker is down
  • Blue (arrow)
    • An upgrade is in progress
  • Red (symbol):
    • no communication with the Master MDM

Also, just around your wording ".... available to handle loads",  the MDMs are not in the data path. 

So, normal is good.

Hope that helps,  Richard.

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