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This post is more than 5 years old



January 11th, 2017 10:00

Poweredge T620 no video signal

Dear forum support,

I recently ran into a problem at the organization I started working recently. I ran into a situation (which is a somewhat long story and complicated), but basically I created a Windows Server R2 image into a bootable USB flash drive, and I did the usual to enable booting up from USB device, however when I was in the Bios settings, I lost video signal. I thought maybe it was the monitor dying on me, or I accidentally moved the cable. 

I have tried using several VGA cables and monitors and it does detect analog input but the monitors always go back to sleep and there's no signal (it does however say to turn computer on - but the server is already on). 

Everything else is working fine, the keyboard lights are all light up, caps lock, num lock, they all work and light up when pressed. 

The mouse laser's lights up, the front small LCD panel is blue, as well as the Identification button on the back. 

I am so sorry if this is a noob question, but I really hope the VGA adapter did not die :(

Currently my organization doesn't have access to the server because the only enabled boot option right now is through USB, but I can't see anything. 

I am thinking there is a quick way to solve this, but I am just missing something?

Additionally, would the LCD panel on the front tell you if the VGA adapter isn't working correctly? I figured it should since it can tell you if the front cover chasis is in place or not. 

Thanks in advance!



6.2K Posts

January 11th, 2017 13:00


I would suggest clearing NVRAM via jumper. You may have disabled the integrated video while you were in the BIOS. Resetting defaults will enable the integrated video.


6 Posts

January 11th, 2017 14:00


I tried that and it didn't work unfortunately. I think I am gonna remove the battery coin now and see if that does it. 

Thank you!

6 Posts

January 11th, 2017 19:00

I tried doing the jumpers, removing the battery coin and still nothing. No video signal.

Is there a way to get video signal from another way that is not through the VGA port? Or should I go ahead and replace the motherboard entirely?



6.2K Posts

January 13th, 2017 09:00

Is there a way to get video signal from another way that is not through the VGA port? Or should I go ahead and replace the motherboard entirely?

The iDRAC also uses the integrated video for console redirection. If you have an iDRAC then you can connect to the system using it. The default IP should be and user/pass root/calvin if you have not configured it.

The embedded web server of the iDRAC will function without video, but if the integrated video is not functioning then you will not be able to open a console session in the iDRAC. Console functionality in the iDRAC also requires an iDRAC enterprise license.

I suggest that you take the system to minimum to POST for testing before you replace the system board. A failed or incompatible component attached to the system can cause odd behavior like another component not functioning properly. You should remove all unnecessary hardware from the system. That includes USB sticks/drives.


6 Posts

January 25th, 2017 09:00


Unfortunately we do not have an iDrac license so I am unable to connect to it. 

Likewise, I replaced the motherboard (since the motherboard had some damage in it) and I am still unable to get video signal through VGA. 

I did not find anything on the user's manual when it comes to replacing the motherboard, so I am really lost here on what to do next. 

The motherboard we received was factory refurbished, and looks in great condition so I have no idea what it could be. 

The integrated video is in the motherboard itself I'm assuming?

6 Posts

January 25th, 2017 10:00

Hi! Just a quick update. I'm able to get video signal now, but the machine goes into a memory failure state, and my hard drive C: shows up as empty so the the OS doesn't boot up....

I'm able to get into the BIOS and everything but the LCD panel in the front shows two errors:

CPU1 voltage out of range, and system voltage being outside of range.

I'm assuming the motherboard I replaced it with is faulty as well? It was described as factory refurbished. I also tried minimum POST for the CPU error and still the same, likewise, swapped the CPUs out and still the same. There are no visual discrepancies in the CPU sink. In addition I tried draining the remaining power by disconnecting power cords and pressing the power button.

As far as the operating system goes, how does it work when you replace your motherboard? Isn't it registered to the original motherboard and replacing it could cause your OS to not work requiring a new license key?



6.2K Posts

January 25th, 2017 11:00

As far as the operating system goes, how does it work when you replace your motherboard? Isn't it registered to the original motherboard and replacing it could cause your OS to not work requiring a new license key?

That has nothing to do with whether or not it will boot. License issues occur after the OS is loaded.

I suggest that you clear the hardware logs. The messages you are seeing are reported from the hardware log. They can be old messages.


6 Posts

January 31st, 2017 09:00

Quick question,

I have replaced the motherboard with a new factory sealed one. 

I get a message saying "Bios manufacturing mode detected" 

Manufacture Mode will be cleared before next boot. 

System reboot required for normal operation."

When I reboot that same message keeps showing up. 

I thought the OS would load normally and then licensing issues or whatever messages would show up afterwards? 

Likewise, I got into the Lifecycle controller and there's a tab for "OS Deployment", but I thought the OS was already loaded on this machine, since the only thing I switched was the motherboard?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I got into the System Bios Settings > Boot Settigs > BIOS Boot Settings and I see on the boot sequence it shows: "Hard drive C:" and then "Embedded NIC 1 Post 1 Partition 1: IBA GE" 

So essentially, hard drive C: is empty, there is nothing. Could this mean one of the hard drives has been damaged and henceforth there is no OS loading?

As far as I know, the previous person never created a backup image, or setup iDRAC...



6.2K Posts

February 1st, 2017 10:00

You should have the option to press to abort manufacturing mode. Once you abort it should not boot into manufacturing mode.

hard drive C: is empty, there is nothing. Could this mean one of the hard drives has been damaged and henceforth there is no OS loading?

I'm not sure which controller the drives are connected. I would suggest booting into the controller BIOS of whichever controller you are using to see what the status is.


548 Posts

February 1st, 2017 23:00

I'm not sure but i suspect at some stage during manuafcture, the NIC MAC addresses need to be programed into the firmware along with various other 'write once data' (which may include OS data like SLIC tables for Win7 or Win 10 product key). I'd also guess that the board is placed into a special mode for this to be possible (or alternatively Dell writes complete image to all firmware addresses that are not normally writable/accessable without special software).

I also understand when a motherboard is repalced under warranty, a tech normally comes out and does his magic, which may or may not include running various scripts and/or commands to include such 'write once' data into the firmware.

When out of warranty and a customer takes a cheaper path and buys a 'new' motherboard from Dell or 3rd party supplier, for it to be in 'Manufacturing Mode' would imply it's maybe not quite ready for prime time.

So @Dell-Daniel can you can clarify what manufacturing mode actually means and what its purpose is? And is it safe to simply exit this mode without doing what may need to be done within such a mode?

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