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September 26th, 2011 13:00

Simple question: vSphere 5 slides for replatforming


I'm placing this into a discussion forum on behalf of a co-worker. The request is for vSphere 5 related slides on replatforming. By replatforming I'm going to make the assumption we are talking about moving from Unix to Linux or Windows as part of moving from physical to virtual. This is a great question in that many established Oracle databases live on Unix which will require a replatforming effort before moving to a virtual infrastructure. I know in Darryl Smith's presentation entitled, "Oracle Data Warehouse Meets Big Data" there are some good slides related to the options in moving Oracle from Unix to Linux. Darryl will be presenting at Oracle Open World and if you are interested just visit the front page of the community website and click on the list of technical sessions.

So does anyone have some slides that they can share about replatforming? Thanks in advance for the help!

28 Posts

September 30th, 2011 09:00

There is also a good whitepaper on EMC IT's microsite.  It is entitled "EMC IT's Migration to the Open, Expandable Oracle BI Grid".  This paper describes a different method, export/import, that we have used.

28 Posts

September 30th, 2011 08:00

Here are some slides I presented in a webinar on replatforming eBusiness Suite 11i from two very large Sun Servers to 4 commodity server and got a 10x performance improvement for 1/10th the price.

1 Attachment

98 Posts

September 30th, 2011 12:00

Good show, sir!

I was working on building something but struggled with what to put in there.  No need now. This is a thing of beauty.


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