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July 24th, 2019 03:00

What does "ME disabled" really mean?


I have three old but reliable OptiPlex 780 USFF desktops.  All these desktops have a label inside with a large "3" and the text "ME disabled" on them.

What does this label means?  Is it really referring the the Intel Management Engine being disabled at factory, or just the Intel Active Management Technology?

As you surely know Intel ME and AMT are different, even if the latter requires the former.  I am looking for machines that truly have ME disabled, not just the AMT part.  Has been Intel ME completely disabled on these small desktops?

Thank you!

4 Operator


6.2K Posts

July 24th, 2019 08:00

Welcome to the Dell Community @_abednego 

Suspend Mode:

Sets the power management suspend mode to:
S3 (default)

NOTE: If the AMT Management Engine (ME) of the system is disabled, the S1 suspend mode is
unavailable in the system setup.

Dell OptiPlex 780 Service Manual--Ultra Small Form Factor Computer:

Best regards,


9 Legend


47K Posts

September 13th, 2020 18:00

Management Engine INTEL AMT permanently Disabled.


Once disabled it can never be used again.Once disabled it can never be used again.

Label   SKU Part Number Description
Basic Systems Management Mode
1 vPro
DASH Ready

310-9491 CU245 Short: Advanced Client Systems Management,w/vPro,OPTI
Long: Advanced Client Systems Management,with vPro,Dell OptiPlex
Option Online: Advanced Client Systems Management (w/ vPro)

DASH Ready
310-9494 HP413 Short: Advanced Client Systems Management,w/iAMT,OPTI
Long: Advanced Client Systems Management,with iAMT,Dell OptiPlex
Option Online: Advanced Client Systems Management (w/ iAMT)

2 ASF Only 310-9492 CU377 Short: Basic Client Systems Management,w/ASF,OPTI
Long: Basic Client Systems Management,with ASF,Dell OptiPlex
Option Online: Basic Client Systems Management (w/ ASF)

3 ME Disabled 310-9493 XT411
Short: Client Systems Management Disabled,OPTI
Long: Client Systems Management Disabled, Dell OptiPlex
Option Online: Client Systems Management Disabled

Deployment Mode
N/A Disables Remote Configuration 310-9495 CU378 Short: One Touch Provisioning Support,OPTI
Long: One Touch Provisioning Support, Dell OptiPlex
Option Online: One Touch Provisioning Support

2 ASF with AMT option 310-9497 WK835 Short: LEGACY ASF SETTING FOR IAMT,OPTI
Long: Legacy ASF Setting for iAMT,Dell OptiPlex
Option Online: Legacy ASF Setting for iAMT

4 No TLS * 310-9496 RU572 Short: TLS Encryption Disabled,OPTI
Long: TLS Encryption Disabled, Dell OptiPlex
Option Online: TLS Encryption Disabled

2.5K Posts

July 24th, 2019 07:00

I sure cant speak  for labels,


but all that can be turned off in BIOS, if you look, did you first and upgrade BIOS? Freedos method more safe?

yes disable it , it is bug ridden for sure on old PC.

ME/AMT BIOS is very complex and with PCs advanced security packages works as team. and  is risky.

its cute though, tried it 1 time on HP, and found later the w10 software for it is no good,(exploits) and will never be upgraded from my PC with it, so its is gone.

I think if BIOS PW is off, fully there is no AMT, (my theory)

78 Posts

July 24th, 2019 09:00

Hi savvy2.

No.  Intel Management Engine (ME) cannot be disabled in BIOS, only Active Management Technology (AMT) can. There is a huge difference between ME and AMT.  I am talking about the former, the autonomous subsystem that runs inside the Platform Controller Hub (PCH) on most mainboards manufactured in the last decade.

I fail to see how it can be related to BIOS not being updated. Indeed, the BIOS on these desktops has been updated to its most recent release (A15) using a Dell Real-Mode Kernel bootable USB drive (a Dell RMK bootable drive that only contains COMMAND.COM, DELLBIO.BIN and DELLRMK.BIN plus the O780-A15.EXE executable).

I know for sure these desktops do not have —and never had— support for AMT on BIOS, nor a hotkey to enter the Management Engine BIOS extension (MEBx).  But —as I said on the first post— AMT is not the problem, ME is.

Edit: note that Intel ME is a requirement for AMT, but the reverse is not true.  In other words, you cannot have AMT without ME but you can have ME without AMT.  I never though on AMT being a backdoor (at most it can have horrifying bugs like CVE-2017-5689), but ME is another matter.  This engine is running on most processors built in the last decade even if AMT is fully unprovisioned; it is the right place to build a backdoor if the intelligence community wants one.

Now Dell is selling workstations like the Precision 3431 Desktop with two different non-manageable processor options ("AMT disabled" and "both ME and AMT disabled").  The latter is the right one for someone that cares about security at the hardware level.

78 Posts

July 24th, 2019 10:00


That is interesting... so, if there is no S1 power state configurable on the BIOS setup then there is no support for Intel ME?  These are great news, as the BIOS on these desktops never had a "Power Management → Suspend Mode" option at all.

That's odd, I downloaded that manual some time ago and looked at the BIOS settings.  But, for some reason, I missed the description of the power state configuration.  To be honest, I had spent more time on the Dell OptiPlex 780 Technical Guidebook as it has a more pleasant format and supposedly has the same information about BIOS defaults.  I guess it is time to read more carefully the service manual.

If someone disagrees please say it loud!  But, as I understand it now, this one is the right answer; as the BIOS setup never had an option to enable the S1 power state it seems not only AMT but also ME have been disabled on factory.  These are fine desktops with the configuration I am looking for.

Thank you.

2 Posts

September 13th, 2020 13:00

The QR code reads:





6 Posts

September 17th, 2023 00:09

@speedstep​ What program is that in your screenshot? Where did you get it? Will picking option 3 permanently disable the ME? Thanks.

6 Professor


7.9K Posts

September 18th, 2023 01:30

Speedstep hasn't been on this forum for a year now.  One of our other contributors might answer if they can.

Meanwhile, the screenshot is the F12 Boot and Diagnostics menu.  Immediately and repeatedly press F12 upon startup.  I've never seen the text in green before.

5 Practitioner


5.6K Posts

September 18th, 2023 01:56

@XJR8942​ , the screenshot from speedstep's post is the first boot screen of a new motherboard replacement, not from a program.

Selecting option 3 will disable Intel AMT.  It won't disable Intel ME. 

6 Professor


7.9K Posts

September 18th, 2023 02:23

"Selecting option 3 will disable Intel AMT. It won't disable Intel ME."  Why would it be that way?  I'm genuinely thoroughly confused.

6 Posts

September 18th, 2023 02:41

Thank you. I have a few more questions:

1. Just to be clear, is the "Manageability Engine (ME)" the same thing as the Intel Management Engine, correct?
2. Here's a list of configurations (or "management modes"):
What is the difference between Configuration 3 ME Disabled and Configuration 6 ME Lockout?

3. Is there any way to set the Configuration to 6 ME Lockout?
4. If I choose Configuration 1, then enter the Management Engine menu on the F12 screen, and change "Manageability" to "Disabled", does that put the motherboard in the same state as Configuration 3 (without the menu option in the future)?


5 Practitioner


5.6K Posts

September 18th, 2023 03:08

Selecting option 3 will disable AMT function of Intel ME, no more vPro.

Selecting option 6 will lock users out of configuration of Intel ME itself, no more MEBx.

Intel ME is still function to manage other tasks it was designed for.

Remember, this is sharing user's point of view.  You must contact Dell for official response prior to purchase selection as these features are permanently set. 

For better understanding about Intel ME, you may consider to view this video.  It's a long watch and a bit hard for me to cover in a few words.


6 Posts

September 18th, 2023 03:22

@bradthetechnut​ From what I understand, the ME starts first, prepares the system, then starts the main processor. If it's "disabled" then it stops there and/or keeps doing necessary background tasks, but it can no longer be used for AMT. (Running the ME Cleaner zeros out the code that it needs for AMT and access to the NIC, so it's an additional layer of protection.)

6 Posts

September 18th, 2023 03:29

So given the options of 1) Configuration 3 ME Disabled or 2) Configuration 1 Default, what's more effective in disabling the ME?

Seems like Configuration 1 Default is better, since configuring the MEBx is still an option, and it can be disabled from there. But if I choose Configuration 3 ME Disabled, then MEBx is gone from the menu and I won't be able to get it back, and I have to trust Dell or Intel that the ME is actually disabled.

5 Practitioner


5.6K Posts

September 18th, 2023 04:37

I once disabled HECI and it was partially crippling the IME from both BIOS and operating system.  As for a permanent solution, you may try HAP method.  But it seems that you already knew about using ME cleaner from Nicola Corna.  The video I linked is related to Positive Technologies.

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