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1 Rookie


3 Posts


April 25th, 2024 08:12

Optiplex 3000 auto logon, can't find the program


I have recently bought a Optiplex 3000 and want to edit the automatic logon (that was already activated on the account "User").
In Dell's own guide they say I should open the software "Dell Thin Client Application". This is not installed and I am not able to find the software for download on Dell's webpage and/or support.

Can anyone help me?

Thank you in advance!

7 Technologist


10.5K Posts

April 25th, 2024 13:51

If you want to add a password to “user” account you can go inside settings in Windows and go to >account and look for sign in options.  The account currently has no password therefore it auto logs in.  I assume “user” is set up as a local administrator account.

1 Rookie


3 Posts

April 26th, 2024 08:09

Hello and thank you for the answer.

The account "User" came with a password (User#{service tag}). This account is not an local administrator, there was another account named "Admin" where we need to login to do any changes (which is OK).

But I want to be able to edit this settings. 

On an older (just 6 month old) Optiplex 3000 it came pre-installed with a software where we could edit this settings (the software "Dell Think Client Application"). So I assume if we can download that software it will solve our problem.

7 Technologist


10.5K Posts

April 27th, 2024 03:32

you can delete the "User" account in Windows if that is not set up to your liking.

you can add a local admin account if that is what you need.

all this can be done in Windows native environment without Dell app.

not familiar with the Dell think Client app.

1 Rookie


3 Posts

April 29th, 2024 15:10

Okey, thank you for the reply.

6 Professor


7.6K Posts

April 29th, 2024 23:38

I'm not familiar with Dell Thin Client either.  May be this wiill help?  Dell's WYSE Management Suite for Thin Clients

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