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3 Apprentice


1.2K Posts


July 18th, 2021 08:00

Issues with New Community Platform Design (e.g. Date Thread Started, Excessive Whitespace)

The new interface for the Dell Community platform that went live ~ 16-Jul-2021 is not displaying the correct date that threads were created in each board.

For example, gtifield created Driver Detection Not Available on 01-Oct-2020  to discuss a problem with SA v3.7.0 (see Dell employee NikhilKiroula post <here> on page 2 of that thread acknowledged there was a known issue with that particular SA version). However, the listing in the SupportAssist for PCs board now suggests that thread was recently created on 04-Jul-2021 (i.e., the date of the latest post) after user Alif Aqil posted in that obsolete thread about a similar problem with SA v3.9.2. It would be much better if both the date the thread was created and the date of the last reply was shown as it was before with the old platform design so that users would know if the thread was dormant or contained outdated information before replying.

Dell Forum New Community Platform Displays Wrong Date of Creation 18 Jul 2021.png

I also find there's too much whitespace (padding) between listed topics and too much scrolling and clicking of "Load More" just to find a recent topic with the new platform design. I'm not sure why Dell felt the old platform design needed to be changed but so far I haven't noticed any improvement in my user experience.

3 Apprentice


1.2K Posts

July 24th, 2021 07:00

I also noticed that some alternate characters (e.g., the "+" plus sign) in thread titles are now incorrectly displayed as ASCII code in the board listings. For example, the title of adi_jha30's 07-Jul-2021 thread 70+ GB system recovery file in C drive is now listed in the Laptops | Inspiron board  with "70+" incorrectly displayed as "70+":

Dell Forum Alternate Characters Not Displayed Correctly in Topic Titles 24 Jul 2021.png

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