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This post is more than 5 years old


April 22nd, 2006 12:00

Video Card for Dell 24 Inch

​ Hi, ​
​ ​
​ I plan to order a 24 inch wide screen. I plan to run it in a dual monitor mode alongside my 17 inch. I don't game, but I hope to watch dvds & plug in the TV. I do large spreadsheets and write a lot. I've seen Dell's list of cards, but I think the list represents cards that Dell ships. Query is whether the ATI 9550 256megs DDR will work okay with the 24 incher? Second, is anyone using this card with the Dell and might have feedback? ​
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​ Okay, third, when I got my Inspiron 8600, I was shocked by how small things were. I finally learned that higher resolutions do that. Adjustments made the screen useable. Recently, I have read that higher resolutions don't have the same affect on larger monitors; this doesn't quite make sense to me. Anyway, will the 1920 x 1200 be ultra tiny on the 24 inch screen, relative to the 1680 x 1050 on my laptop? ​
​ ​
​ Thanks, ​
​ Michael ​
​ ​
​ PIII (yes, the ice age, but this baby runs) ​
​ 512 megs of memory ​
​ 80 gig & 20 gig drives ​
​ 17 inch ​

13 Posts

April 27th, 2006 08:00


First of: with higher resolution's things get smaller on the same display. you should operate tfts always at their native resolution! (except for performance in games where 1600x900 or 1680x1050 works also good for this tft.) Only in its native resolution you get a clear proper image.

If the icons and text is to small for you increase the text and icon size in windows under the Display Properties Appearance Tab.

Concerining the Video Card: Every Card with DVI and about 128mb Ram should do it if youre not gaming! Get yourself a nice passive cooled low cost ati or nvidia card. dell is verry expensive on such parts so you might consider another online or local computer store.

12.1K Posts

April 27th, 2006 12:00

CRT’s are scalable, and you can raise or lower the resolution settings. LCD’s however, are different. Any settings lower than the native resolution results in either letter boxing, which maintains image quality by shrinking the image to a compatible size, or keeps the full screen image, but adjusts for missing pixels, sacrificing image quality.

Screen flicker with an LCD is not an issue since the monitor does not refresh like a CRT monitor, so a refresh rate of 60 Hz should be just fine for an LCD monitor.

A few new owners of LCD’s often find that the size of the fonts are too small for them, failing to realize that LCD’s have a native resolution for each size monitor for best viewing experience. IE : A 15 inch LCD has a native resolution of 1024x768, and a 17 / 18 / 19 inch LCD has a 1280x1024 resolution. A 20 inch LCD has a native of 1600x1200. The higher the resolution, the smaller the fonts. What you get is more information on the screen with the larger screen with the native resolution of 1280x1024 over the 1024x768 resolution. If you purchased a 17 /18 /19 inch screen, but are uncomfortable with the smaller fonts, lowering the resolution to 1024x768, as some have done, now gets you less information on the screen, wasting the extra money you paid for the larger monitor. Just should have gone to a 15 inch LCD instead, and saved big bucks for the same real estate. Some with bad eye sight to begin with may not notice the image quality being less than optimal by lowering the resolution, but others will.

ClearType settings to get rid of the font jaggies : Right click an empty space on the desktop, click on Properties next, click on Appearance, than click Effects. In this box, select ClearType instead of STANDARD. Click OK, than OK again in the final box. Done   Analog compared to Digital ( DVI ) article

37 Posts

April 27th, 2006 14:00

Thank you for your responses.  My 2405 arrived yesterday.  I plan to go with the ATI 9550.  Your responses helped me understand the situation.  If the information is too small, I will adjust it using the diplay options or just have to send back the monitor.  If you ever saw my spreadsheets, you'd see why I want more workspace.


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