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This post is more than 5 years old


September 30th, 2016 04:00

U2715H, Defective USB port, Refused warranty replacement


Some months ago I had my U2715H monitor replaced under warranty for a separate fault and the replacement I received has a defective rear USB port and is unusable - see attached image. Clearly the circuit board or the USB connector was misaligned during assembly.

I recently raised this issue with technical support, but despite that the monitor is still in warranty, my request for a warranty repair or replacement was denied, quoting;

"that faults such as the one you have described are classed as physical/accidental damage and are therefore outside the support boundaries. For this reason, we will not be able to replace the monitor."

Which I can't believe and must be some misunderstanding, is such a fault really not covered under warranty?


9 Posts

October 1st, 2016 10:00

I did, I sent an email as soon as I noticed the fault and the response was:

"Due to some technical issues we were not able to reply to your email immediately."

"In order to resolve the issue, I request you to contact our voice technical support at UK Toll Free 0800-028-2660"

I called and I haven't received a follow up since. This was June last year.

As such a long time had passed, I had forgotten about the issue until I recently tried to connect a device to that USB port.

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

October 1st, 2016 10:00

If you opened the replacement monitor box and saw that the rear USB port was broken, why didn't you immediately contact Dell and report the fault? Their reasoning is as follows =

Because you did not contact Dell when you first setup the replacement monitor, and used it for several months, they could only conclude that nothing was broken out of the box.

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

October 2nd, 2016 13:00

I see. Your only option is to escalate using the UK Unresolved Issues form and see if their opinion will differ from the Technical Support opinion.

9 Posts

October 7th, 2016 06:00

Thanks for the response. The customer support representative escalated the matter which was subsequently approved. I have just received the replacement monitor, however, it appears to be defective and quite seriously so.

I've already raised this issue with the customer support representative.

I don't know how this display made it though QA, because the fault isn't as easy to miss as a dodgy USB port.

- Lighter colours appear to be a shade of pink
- Whites appear to be 'pixelated' pink
- Some colours, particularly greys or whites have a 'walking pixel' effect
- Banding in the lower third of the display
- Flickering brightness (whole display)
- Image retention that persists for several minutes, even if display is turned off and unplugged
I have tried all the usual troubleshooting steps, e.g. swapping monitors, cables and sources, resetting to factory defaults.
Here's an image of both displays on clone-mode. The distorted colours don't come across very well, but the difference in contrast and persistent ghost image of the replacement is obvious. ; This is what that web page looks like on the replacement display, almost like viewing an old TN LCD at an extreme angle.

9 Posts

October 17th, 2016 12:00

The saga continues.

Customer support has been very helpful, but I have again received a defective monitor. This time, dark colours and blacks have green vertical lines running though them. Again, the customer support representative has been informed.

It never ends

9 Posts

October 26th, 2016 12:00

Third one's the charm!

I received the third replacement monitor today and after some testing I'm pleased to report it works flawlessly; the USB port is where it's supposed to be, the display actually works properly and the panel uniformity is amongst the best I've seen of the many U2515H and U2715H monitors I've worked with.

As for feedback. The customer service has been great; all problems dealt with, next day email responses, very happy. Thanks to Chris M too.

On the other hand, the QA of the repair and refurbishment service was questionable, the first two replacement monitors were faulty on arrival with obvious defects. It was quite time consuming for me to troubleshoot and to make sure the problem wasn't on my end, these units shouldn't have made it out of the workshop in that state. Two duff units in a row, maybe I was unlucky...

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