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March 9th, 2014 10:00

U2414H monitor powers up in power save mode, saying no HDMI signal

Can anyone help me on my new Dell monitor & Asus PC ?

Description of problem

On powering up monitor & PC, monitor sticks in power save mode, saying no signal on HDMI port. Mouse or keyboard activity won't bring monitor up. 

I eventually found that going to device manager, and display adaptor (details of my system appended below) and updating driver for the Intel integrated graphics, and then rollback on the newly updated driver would kick the monitor to life. 
But then any restart or power off/power up will revert monitor back to power save, and only way to get it back is to plug a spare monitor into PC VGA port (so I can see Windows !) and do the update driver/rollback again.

Seems to me that the monitor misses some sync or somesuch flag on power up and then the re-initialise of the driver re-sends some wake up or refresh signal ? Could the PC be booting too quickly for the monitor ?

Incidentally, perhaps a red herring, but this is a new system. Installed my various programs, etc yesterday with several restarts (with the basic Windows included drivers) and it worked fine. Problem only seemed to occur AFTER I had installed the Dell CD of drivers/display manager. Tried uninstalling this and reverting back to the Windows drivers, but system still exhibits this locked into power save/cant find HDMI signal condition.

Very frustrating, bought this monitor on Dells reputation for monitors and my own past experience - now feel somewhat let down.

Can anyone help ? Please ?
Thanks in advance, sitting with fingers crossed !.......

Regards, Laurence


PS. Tried the Dell Tech Support website, which goes nowhere unless you have a service tag number, but Dell don't put service tag numbers on monitors ! Aaargh !


Below appended monitor/system info as requested in sticky at top of forum.

(1) Restore the monitor to Factory Defaults using the monitor OSD (On Screen Display)
* Press the monitor Menu button to open the monitor OSD   Tried this, no fix
* Go to Other Settings- Factory Reset and Reset All Settings

(2) Run the monitor Self-Test and BID (Built-in Diagnostic)   Tried this no fix

(3) Post your issue and all of the following data
Reason line = Monitor model, short issue description
Body =
* What specific Dell monitor?   U2414H
* What specific computer model, desktop/laptop?   Desktop Asus M31AD
* What operating system?   Win 8.1 64bit
* What video card?  Intel integrated graphics HD4600, on CPU/chipset
* What video out ports are available on the video card?   HDMI, VGA
* What video out port are you using from the video card to what video in port on the monitor?
* What cable are you using to attach the video card to the monitor?  HDMI to Dell port 1 
* Are you using the Dell supplied cable?  
  Dell don't supply a HDMI cable, but this cable was taken from a working system
* Press the monitor Menu button to open the monitor OSD (On Screen Display). The bottom of that screen should show a resolution. That resolution should match the monitor default resolution
* What is the 20 digit alpha-numeric monitor serial number  
  CN-09TG46-74261-3AI-IRVL Rev A00

* Can you post a video of the issue? How ?
* Full description of the monitor issue? As described above



March 9th, 2014 16:00

Further notes on U2414H "Power save / No signal on HDMI" problem...

When the monitor is displaying OK, it shows up OK in the Windows 8.1/Control Panel/Hardware and Sound/Devices and Printers window.
If the monitor is turned off on the front bezel soft pushbutton, it still remains in the Devices and Printers window, but obviously Windows can't communicate
with it as it is powered off, but Windows remembered it was there. Powering the monitor back up in this state works fine.

The problem only occurs on a Windows restart, or PC shutdown.
The U2414H goes into power-save/loss of HDMI signal immediately Windows has completed shutting down (i.e., doesn't say "will go to power save in 5 minutes"), whether the PC is doing a restart or a power off shutdown.
As windows restarts, or the PC is powered back up, the monitor remains in "Power save/no signal on HDMI" state, and remains dark.
In this state, once Windows has booted, the monitor does NOT re-appear in the Devices and Printers list.

To regain operation of the monitor, it is neccessary to change, or "toggle" if you like, the Intel integrated graphics driver.
It doesn't matter if you update the driver to a new version, or rollback to an old version - it is the change that wakes the monitor. whether you update the driver, or roll it back, when the Intel graphics momentarily darkens the screen(s) to re-initialise itself to the changed driver, then the
monitor wakes instantly. So - it is something in this initialisation that is missing on a restart or power up. Either not sent from Intel, or ignored by the monitor.
The monitor will lock into power save mode on PC restart/shutdown with either driver is installed, it is the change that wakes the monitor.

Hope you can help - getting very frustrated here

Regards Laurence

8 Posts

March 13th, 2014 21:00

Based on my experience with a dual U2414H connect DP1.2 with Gigabyte GTX-770 card, sometimes monitors show saving mode after PC has been reboot. My temporary trick is to unplug a power cord of monitors, wait for power LED off (2-3 sec), and then replug a power cord back, again wait for DELL logo display then everything will be solved. It seems like a turn off/on button does not shutdown or wake up  a monitor from saving mode.

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