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September 4th, 2013 12:00

ESI Service and SCOM 2012

I recently completed a new installation of ESI and the ESI management packs in SCOM 2012 to monitor my VNX storage arrays.   After installing ESI, I added one block-only VNX, published it to the ESI service and verified the service was working correctly by opening http://myesiservername:54500/esi/console and saw that the VNX was discovered under http://myesiservername:54500/esi/console/RegisteredSystems .

In the Microsoft Operations Management console window, under the Monitoring tree -> EMC Storage Integrator ->ESI Service - ESI Windows Service Overall Health, my ESI server was discovered however after a few minutes of the service running I get the warning "EMC SI Windows Service Heartbeat".

Summary  -"This monitor checks the Application Event log for events from the EMC Storage Integrator Windows service or ESI Service"

Cause - "By default, the ESI Service writes status events every five minutes. If the ESI Service fails to write any of these events for six minutes, then this monitor changes to an unhealthy or Error state"

Resolution "Check to see if the service is running. If it is not running, start it. If it is running, try to restart it."

The ESI Service is running on the server.  If I restart the ESIService status returns to a healthy state for a few minutes but then returns back with this heartbeat warning.  I checked the ESI server's application log and there are no messages logged in the application log except for when the service is restarted.  Also the Overall Topology window only lists the EMC SI Service Connection group with no other items.

Has anyone else had this problem and resolved it?

5 Posts

September 13th, 2013 12:00

Local system did not work but we did discover that the issue was security related.  The account was from another domain that should have been trusted but for some reason was not working.  We setup another account that was in the same domain as the ESI Service server with admin rights and everything in ESI was discovered in SCOM.

As far as the heartbeat message goes, EMC Support said the issue is a bug in version 3.  When I asked about the heartbeat error, they responded "...on the SCOM RMS server, open up the System Center Operations Manager console => Authoring tab => click on Monitors => find the "EMC SI Service Connection" monitor and disable it. You need not  be concerned that this will cause the monitoring of the health state of the ESI Service to be disabled, as the storage systems and their physical and logical components states will continue to be monitored."

25 Posts

September 6th, 2013 03:00

We had a similar issue with the healthservice monitoring.

What we ended up doing is forcing the 'EMC SI Service Monitoring Account' run-as profile in SCOM to use 'localsystem' instead of the default SCOM action account.

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No Events found!
