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This post is more than 5 years old


3 Posts


March 20th, 2006 01:00

White transparent Bar on LCD screen after external monitor connection. Lattitude D510

I recently began using the external monitor port on a D510.
A 2" wide transparent white verticle bar appeared on my LCD screen while a monitor was connected and it will not go away, even under normal use.

It now appears to be a permanent unwelcome additon to my workday.

I have tried a number of video driver adjustments to no avail.
I tried swapping between primary and secondary video and it always stays with the onboard LCD screen.

Any ideas anyone ????

March 20th, 2006 11:00

Sounds like the LCD or the LCD cable is going bad.  Only thing short of calling and getting a replacement would be to see if the LCD cable is getting pinched or something.  Of course opening your system voids the warrenty... lol :smileyvery-happy:

3 Posts

March 20th, 2006 13:00

That was my first thought also, except two of my collegues with various lattitude models also have the exact same problem after using the ext video port.
I am currently trying to contact them on any solutions they might have found.

2 Posts

October 3rd, 2006 12:00


Did you solve your problem, I have the same thing on a Latitude 610 since last week


3 Posts

October 4th, 2006 02:00


Yes I did,
The relationship to my use of the video port was coincedental.
It appears that I have an interrmittent connection in the LCD screen frame at the top of the white bar.
When I squeeze the frame the bar disappears, now I just carry a paper binder clip and install it at the problem area.

Do you have a similar problem??

2 Posts

October 4th, 2006 04:00

Since last week , my screen has been effectively divided into 3 horizontal bands, the top third is normal, the middle third is discoloured but you can see the icons on the desktop and the bottom third is either dark or contains vertical lines that seem to line up with icons on the other parts of the screen. I will try presssing the bezel and see what happens

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