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This post is more than 5 years old


4 Posts


June 2nd, 2005 19:00

task manager

Hi, i can't seem to call up my task manager, i do the alt-control-delete, but nuthing happens, can you help??

651 Posts

June 2nd, 2005 19:00

@okidoki_23 wrote:

Hi, i can't seem to call up my task manager, i do the alt-control-delete, but nuthing happens, can you help??

Right click a BLANK space in the Bar at the bottom of the screen and Task Manager will be one of your choices.

4 Posts

June 2nd, 2005 19:00

Done that but still doesn't come up? I see it as an option, but when i click on it, nuthing happens? Is it possible it could have been deleted???

651 Posts

June 2nd, 2005 21:00

I found a fourn with someone who had the same problem. Here it is:


This can occur if you have a virus like WORM_SPYBOT.GEN Try downloading and running AVG at

 I have never used AVG but it is a free download.

Message Edited by jocase on 06-02-2005 05:33 PM

625 Posts

June 3rd, 2005 14:00

Yeah, sounds like virus or worm or trojan of some sort. Scan your computer, and tell us what turns up. Also, download and install HijackThis, and scan, and save your log, and then post your log on the Virus/Spyware Information and Removal Forum. One of the experts there should be able to help. I had this problem, and they helped me fix it in no time.
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