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This post is more than 5 years old


April 20th, 2013 11:00

Screen goes black while using and then laptop won't power back on!


I know there's probably a million posts like this but I can't seem to find one with the exact problem that I'm having. Every time I've used my laptop for the past 2 weeks after a certain amount of time the screen will inexplicably go black. The laptop doesn't power off as the light stays on and I can hear it running still but it does become unresponsive and the only way I can shut it down is by holding the power button til it shuts off. Once the laptop is shut down it won't come back on no matter how many times I press the power button. After a certain amount of time the laptop usually powers up again by itself or if I leave it closed for a few hours I find I can turn it on again no problem but ultimately the screen will just does black again at some point. Last time it happened I was using the laptop for 2 hours before it blanked but the time before that I was only using it like 10 minutes. It's all very random! And I haven't a clue why it keeps happening as there's nothing wrong with the screen other than this. I think the laptop is 3 years old but it's been barely used so it shouldn't really be broken.

Can anyone explain to me what's happening? I'm completely lost!!

Thanks for your help,


4 Operator


20.1K Posts

April 20th, 2013 12:00

What model computer and which operating system? Always include those. How old is the battery? Not using a computer has nothing to do with battery life. In fact it is better to use the battery and recharge on a regular basis. Try removing the battery and use just the adapter alone. See if it does the same thing. Batteries usually last 18 months to 2 or 3 years.

2 Posts

April 21st, 2013 11:00

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. It's a Studio 1555 and it's Windows 7 Home Premium. I know it's not the battery as this same problem occurs when I don't have the battery in and am just using the adaptor. Thanks for your reply though!
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