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This post is more than 5 years old



October 14th, 2006 21:00

Number Pad Not Working

The numbers at the top of my keyboard is working.  However, the numbers in the blue (the ones in which you have to press Fn to activate) that are oriented like a normal number pad on a desktop keyboard is not working.  Do I have to somehow unlock them?  When I press the Fn button while I press the numbers I want, nothing happens.  However, the Fn button does work, because when I press it and choose the Volume Up/Down buttons (the ones on the Page Up/Dn buttons), the volume is adjusted.  So, what's wrong with my numbers?
I'm on an Inspiron 6400, so you know what I mean about the buttons.

4.4K Posts

October 14th, 2006 21:00

Long name there.
Try this.  Push the NumLk key.
Now hold down the Fn key and try using the "blue" numbers.

October 14th, 2006 22:00

Thanks a lot.  I knew it was something super simple that I was missing. 
Glad I didn't spend an hour on hold trying to phone Dell.
8465489 It works!
Now that I think of it, is there any way for the numbers to stay continuously on without having to always hold down Fn? (for data entry, it's so difficult to try to hold open a notebook while pressing Fn and typing in the numbers...)
Thanks again.

Message Edited by cantlivewithcomputerscantlivewithoutthem on 10-14-2006 06:27 PM

4.4K Posts

October 15th, 2006 23:00

Can't help you on that one.  I don't know if that is possible or not.
Or you can do what I do.  Use a number pad like this one.
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