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This post is more than 5 years old


October 25th, 2010 16:00

Latitude E6410 resume from S3 Suspend (on batteries)

Latitude E6410 (Intel i7) fails to resume (total system freeze within first 3 seconds) from S3 Sleep (STR) when resumed running on battery power. Sometimes first resume cycle passes and problem occurs  during 2nd or 3rd suspend/resume cycle.  When the laptop is running on AC-power the resume works 100% correctly.

This issue disappears when SpeedStep is disabled in BIOS.

It seems like a BIOS bug (tested with rev. A05)

OS:  Linux 2.6.35 and 2.6.36 x64, Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit


14 Posts

June 13th, 2012 14:00

Hey Blairo,

I am on the newest BIOS as well and I get continual issues waking from sleep on battery if speedstep is turned on. Turning off speedstep seems to competely negate the issue. Id recommend taking that step and start enjoying the laptop. It would be interesting to see if someone could get downgraded to an i5 and see if they still encounter the same issue. It is quite annoying that dell has not fixed this yet.



2 Posts

June 13th, 2012 18:00


I also tried the recent BIOS with no luck. I haven't had time to go through support channels. Disabling SpeedStep is a poor (but the only) workaround at the moment. The major problem with this is that you then lose processor P-state scaling support and thus also TurboBoost. So you stand to use more power and get lesser performance (particularly for lightly threaded workloads).

I live in-and-out of sleep mode though, usually with multiple VMs active for various development, without sleep mode I would lose about 10 minutes getting my work environment setup again after every reboot, it's a trade-off for the moment.

22 Posts

August 22nd, 2012 14:00

Seems that the problem which I reported here and to Dell support 2 years ago was resolved by A12 BIOS (maybe already in A11 which I skipped ). My laptop passed 10 consecutive suspend/resume operations with Speed Step enabled. Congrats Dell, you're making records with issue resolution time.

4 Posts

August 24th, 2012 07:00

I attempted to update the bios to A12, but claimed I must first update to A09 - which is not on the support web site.  Anyone have a URL to the A09?

22 Posts

August 24th, 2012 11:00

I went from A10,  via A11 immediately to A12 (A12 recommends the path via A11). Seems that microcode update introduced in A11 is important.

14 Posts

September 1st, 2012 16:00

14 Posts

September 1st, 2012 16:00

After updating I tried to reproduce the issue with hanging when waking up with speedstep enabled. I just couldn't reproduce it anymore!! Looks like it has been fixed.

Tested for 45 minutes straight.  Sleep & Wake & Repeat

Tested since the 24th and not one issue.  Normal use sleeping multiple times a day

It isn't listed in dells fixes in A12 but the fix is probably included in one of the firmware updates in the bios package.

1 Message

February 28th, 2014 05:00

I had the sleep problem. There is a thread that it is a conflict between the new NVIDIA display driver updates. If you roll back or install the version from 7/31/2010, then the sleep problems will go away. 

I do have the problem where the E6410 will slow to a very slow crawl frequently. 

1 Message

April 20th, 2014 10:00

Same configuration and the problem manifested itself 100% of the time with or without AC adapter, even with speed step disabled from bios. Upgraded bios to version A16 and no improvement. 

Solution: Uninstalled graphics driver from Dell/Microsoft and installed the latest drivers from Nvidia : 

works like a charm! 

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