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This post is more than 5 years old


3 Posts


March 22nd, 2005 10:00


i was just logging off my notebook when i got an error message. i now have a blue screen which tells me windows has shut down and if it is the first time i've seen this screen to restart my computer. it is the first time, so i have tried control-alt- delete but i am getting nothing.
i would not be frantic, but we use this computer to make powerpoint presentations for my church. this week, with it being holy week, we have 2 extra services to do and no extra time to do them.
 i can't afford to hang on the phone for 4 hours again. i even tried just turning off the computer and take the risk of losing info, but i can't even do that.  please. a speedy resonse would be most welcome.

121 Posts

March 22nd, 2005 11:00

Sometimes Windows just has weird problems resulting in the"blue screen of death". You can manually turn it off by holding the power button for 4-6 seconds. You might loose information that you were working on in open programs (like power point), but I think PP has an auto-save feature for times like this. There is really no hope of getting the computer to work without re-booting.


March 22nd, 2005 14:00

I feel for you. I did that at my last church, we ran two screens, a back screen and two front screens. I used to bring in my laptop and run the back screen and if there was any problems, we had a meeting afterwards (not a good one either).

Have you ever heard of MediaShout? Thats the program we used, it was pretty cool. You could run powerpoints and videos and text over video. Here is their website,

Hope you get everything working!

3 Posts

March 22nd, 2005 18:00

thanks for the input, guys.
the battery ran out of juice and it  reset itself. it all appears fine now. i just have to redo one service.   and work an extra shift at work cos of people going home for easter.  UGH. time, time, time.  we were talking about mediashout just last week. maybe now is the time to give it a try.....thanks again.

March 22nd, 2005 19:00

If you want, I can make a copy of my mediashout cd and send it to you. If you want it, email me your address and I'll send it.

7.3K Posts

March 23rd, 2005 00:00

That's a $399 program and you posted your real name and email address.........

March 23rd, 2005 01:00

You're right, I'm just kidding!
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