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January 14th, 2006 01:00

headphone jack problems and crackling speakers

I've had my inspiron 6000 for about 5 months, and all audio was working fine until this week. I use my headphones nearly 100 percent of the time and rarely take them out of the computer unless I'm transporting it.

The past week or so I've noticed the sound only comes in the left ear of the headphones, and will only play on both sides if I hold the headphone in place in the jack at a sort of tilted down angle. Otherwise, clear sound through the left ear, and silent through the right.

Also, the regular speakers have only been working on and off. They'll go off, and then I'll move/jostle the laptop a bit and the sound will come back.

Just today, The speakers have been making weird crackling noises even if no audio is playing.

I'll be going back to my university in a few days and plan to bring it to the tech people there, but I'm afraid they're going to keep it for a few days and I'm going to be left computerless (I could manage, but having it gone right as I start new classes and work would be annoying.)

Any suggestions? Maybe in moving the laptop around with the speakers plugged in I bent or damaged something inside? I don't know how this would damage BOTH the speaker and headphone audio, but we shall see.


January 14th, 2006 03:00

The problem I have is that I can only hear audio when I put the headphones in; there is no longer sound when I don't use headphones.  One time, miraculously, the sound came back, but now it's gone again.  I have no idea how to fix it.
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