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This post is more than 5 years old


8 Posts


July 30th, 2007 19:00

BSOD when downloading itunes?

Just unpacked my brand new inspiron 1520. Looks good thus far, after unpacking it I -configured my wireless -uninstalled Google Toolbar -downloaded and installed Firefox -went to to download itunes and got a blue screen of death EVERY time. It goes like this...I start the file download (which is a 48MB file) it downloads for 30 seconds or so and then I get the blue screen crash. Its crazy. It isn't the download mechanism as Firefox downloaded fine. I have tried to restart the session, and have done this with both Explorer AND Firefox and get the same result. As I want to install iTunes, I finally downloaded the file on my XPS XP Desktop and moved it over to the new Vista laptop via memory stick. I have it installed and running, but haven't sync'd it with an iPod yet. Has anyone else seen this? Thanks, -todd

8 Posts

July 30th, 2007 20:00

Happened again while Microsoft Office was automatically loading something. So I called Dell.

When they were trying to connect to it with Dell Connect, it crashed during the download of the applet.

So, the rep is leading me through a Performing Factory Image Restore now. This is fun. My brand new computer is already going through a full system restore! Its not like my time is worth anything. Maybe I should have followed my initial instincts to run from Vista and buy a Mac.

Sorry to be bitter, but I had to vent somewhere. Disappointed that the rep chose this option without looking at ANY of the error information. He is choosing the easiest option for him, but doesn't seem to care about the time I may have already spent configuring things and transferring files over from my old system. Lost time. I had error files on the screen from Microsoft, but he made no attempts to see them, ask for them, whatever. Very frustrating. What's the return policy on laptops?

I just got disconnected from Dell twice!...oh this is really getting fun!

8 Posts

July 30th, 2007 21:00

Just to update; After a few fun hours conversing with India and the BSOD continuing to come up when different things were tried, the conclusion is that I have a bad wireless card and a technician has been dispatched.

I hope that's it, but I'm not convinced.

21 day return policy. We'll see. Maybe I'll get that Mac after all... :)

8 Posts

August 2nd, 2007 04:00

Was not related to itunes...many downloads would not work. Even when we tried to download Dell Connect, it crashed. But, since we were able to connect/download over the ethernet connection the tech assumed it was a HW problem and sent a HW tech out to my house to swap the wireless card.

The wireless tech came and was actually carrying an earlie rev of the type N mini wireless card (A02 vs the A03 installed originally). The new card made the problem worse...I could barely get explorer up at all.

We spoke to another tech...apparently, HW techs can only solve HW problems (i.e. swap things out) and also only had a direct line to a phone HW tech. WHAT A TOTAL WASTE OF EVERYONE'S TIME!!!! Dell sent a person to my house that only had the skillset to work a screwdriver and hit a power switch. What a complete waste.

The HW techs concluded that, guess what, it must be a software problem!

I'd had enough, the PC is going back to Dell.

I was offered yet another tech call to resolve the problem, but I was not convinced as everyone I spoke with started out with "have you reinstalled the OS yet?" Yes, that is their answer to everything. Its a new PC with a new OS and basic functionality should work out of the box. If we had to go through hours of phone calls and tweaks to get a brand new laptop working, that's not a good sign for Vista (or Dell's tech support for that matter).

I realize it is only other Dell owners reading this, if at all. But hopefully someone will pass my feedback on to corporate. I have bought 3 Dell desktops over the years. This was my first Dell laptop. Not sure what I'll buy now instead, but Dell may have gotten too big to provide easy access to intelligent tech support. Oh well.
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