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1 Rookie


6 Posts


December 13th, 2021 14:00

vSphere Image backups failing

View logs in Activity Monitor


As with all backup issues, first check the Avamar Activity monitor.

Log in to AUI  https:// /aui   as root

Go to the Activity Monitor






To view logs for a failed backup, click on the activity.



Click “View Logs”


Note the two slider bars on the right side. There are multiple logs.


Scan here for errors. Make note of errors found. You may be able to find some helpful KBs by searching for “Avamar ” here:


If you are not able to find a resolution, open a Service Request. Continue reading for some additional information that you can collect and provide once the SR is opened.

Collect information and logs from the Avamar Proxy

If you have multiple proxies and do not know which one is being used for this backup, use the browser to search for proxyhost.


In this example, the proxy hostname is ‘proxy’



SSH/putty to the proxy using the hostname.



Login as user ‘admin’

Once connected to the proxy, switch to root

su -


Run these commands and copy the output. Add this to the Service Request.

avtar --version

cat /etc/resolv.conf

tail -50 /usr/local/avamarclient/var/avagent.log




Substitute the actual Avamar server and proxy hostnames in the last two commands above.



Collect Logs

If you are able, collect the logs from the proxy and attach them to the Service Request, or provide them to the TSE once contacted.


Change to the logs directory

cd /usr/local/avamarclient/var


Create the compressed tar file with log files that have Error or FATAL. 


tar zcvf /home/admin/$(hostname)-$(date +%Y%m%d).tgz $(egrep -l "Error <|FATAL| " *log)


A file with the hostname of your proxy and today’s date, will be created in /home/admin.   Change ownership of this file, so that you can transfer it with WinSCP.

chown admin /home/admin/$(hostname)-$(date +%Y%m%d).tgz


Log in to the proxy with WinSCP and transfer the file from /home/admin/ on the proxy to your workstation.

Upload the file to the SR once created.

1 Rookie


6 Posts

January 11th, 2022 06:00

One common cause of these backups is the DNS server has changed, but was not yet updated on the proxy.  For information on updating the proxy DNS, see this post.

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