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181 Posts


April 22nd, 2022 14:00

POWER OUTAGES / UNPLANNED or IMPROPER SHUTDOWNS can cause serious issues- an ounce of prevention...

It has wisely been said that, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".

IDPA is a great product, but due to it's complexity- it is sensitive to any type of improper shutdown.

IDPA *MUST* be shutdown in a very specific way- different than other apps/servers/appliances- or it is likely there will be serious issues- including startup failures/delays.

For details about proper Shutdown and Startup, as well as what to do if facing related issues, please see:

But the main point here is this: PREVENT POWER OUTAGE ISSUES

We know it is standard IT practice for data centers to use some type of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply, usually a gas generator that kicks in automatically if power goes out).

Not only should you make sure your IDPA has such protection, but also remember that these types of emergency power supplies are TEMPORARY. 

You should know how long the emergency power supply will last- and so then know how long you have to go a graceful shutdown of the IDPA. 


We welcome any questions or comments.

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