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April 25th, 2022 00:00

File System Backup Made Easy: How to add a new client and take backup in IDPA

File System Backup Made Easy: How to add a new client and take backup in IDPA

This knowledge base article gives a quick overview of how to add a new client and take backup in simple steps.

Note: This is just an overview, we recommend users go through administrator guide to understand it in more detail.

The protection system in IDPA works on a client-server model, backing up client information and getting stored on the server (Protection storage).

The section on the left represents the client-side and the other represents the server side.



File system agents: These are agents which help in taking backup of operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS-X

Application Plugin: These agents help in backing up applications such as Microsoft Exchange and oracle.


Registering/Activating the client.

To register the client, we must start with downloading and installing the protection client on client's machine.

  • Downloading client
    • Use any web browser and enter the Hostname or IP address of the Protection system. For IDPA it can be obtained from the ACM console.
    • We should be able to see the below page with a different option, select download, and choose an appropriate version.





  • In this example, we are selecting Windows 64 and downloading the windows client.
  • Once downloaded follow the onscreen instructions to install.



  • There are different ways to register the client, this example shows the simplest one. Activation from the client.
  • On the system tray, we would see the agent right client and select Manage > Activate Client.
    • This would present client's activation screen.
      • We need to enter the Protection software hostname
      • Use the default port
      • Client Domain is the structure used on the server we are using “ /clients “.
      • Select activate from the onscreen tab.





  • Open the AUI page and verify “/clients” domain had the new client, under Asset Management.
    • In this example highlighted machine has been added.





Starting backup.

  • We have two kinds of backup based on how its started.
    • On-Demand
    • Scheduled backup.
  • In most cases, we would be using scheduled back. so scheduled backup run at a predetermined time with rules set on what files have to be backed up and how long to keep those backups. This is achieved by setting up the policy.
  • Once the client is Activated, we need to add the client to a group that has a predefined schedule, data set, and retention policy. One can create their own schedule, retention or dataset based on the need.
  • The below steps show how to add create a policy and add the required parameters to run a scheduled backup.


  • Create or Select a Backup policy.




Add members, Add clients which needs to be backed up.




Choose the appropriate data set, this example we are selecting windows data set.





Schedule based on when the backup has to run.




Retention. Backed-up backup cant is kept indeterminately. We must mention how long should we keep the backup. After the expiry backup would be deleted.





  • Now the backup would run at the scheduled time with the appropriate dataset and retention.

Activity screen The activity how the running and finished backup.



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