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1 Rookie


5 Posts


July 23rd, 2024 21:28

Dell's support site is useless for computers over a year old. Try getting a battery.

Ever notice how Dell asks you what product you want information for, and instead of sending you to a relevant part of the site with parts FOR THAT PRODUCT, you end up at square one and have to start a search all over again? 

Or search for a specific item like a battery for an older computer, and instead of saying, "sorry loser, we don't make or supply that item anymore", it just throws three pages of irrelevant parts lists at you for you to scroll through so you dont somehow overlook the item that you want?

Or look up the configuration of your past purchase and see how the easily recognizable options/components have been TRANSLATED INTO TECH GIBBERISH.  A GTX 1050i video card becomes 

Dell has adopted the Apple, "Don't fix it, just buy a new one!" mentality.

10 Elder


24K Posts

July 23rd, 2024 22:02 is a better source or Dell OEM parts -- you can use your service tag to look up compatible parts.

Pretty much every manufacturer outsources the parts business once a system hits the 3-4 year mark -- systems are no longer under warranty, so there's little reason to stock parts for them at the manufacturer.

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