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May 15th, 2014 14:00

DELL 510 RAID 5 - missing 2 HDD (1 foreign)

Good evening all,

This afternoon I have been researching on how to upgrade my 2tb HDD to 4tb HDD on my RAID 5 of six HDD.

On going into the configuration I have noticed that two of the six HDD saying missing then within the Ctrl Mgmt tab one of the HDD says foreign.

How do I correct this issue?

Thanks in advance.


8 Posts

May 16th, 2014 14:00

Setup is:

2 x 300gb RAID1

6 x 2tb RAID5

Two of the RAID5 HDD said missing, one of those two said foreign.

So I have gone onto foreign view / highlighted top level / foreign config / option yes or no (selected yes)

On going back to the first page "Mgmt" it then turned one of the missing drives to "ready" and the other one to "Rebuild".

 It is running over night lets see what happens. Will update.



8.6K Posts

May 16th, 2014 06:00


You will need to reboot to the controller and then highlight the Virtual Disk and hit F2. From there you will select Foreign Configuration and then select to Import Foreign Config. See if the system goes to Degraded from Failed and verify that the array is bootable to the OS. If so then start the rebuild on the final drive if hasn't started automatically. 

Let me know how it goes.

12 Posts

May 16th, 2014 08:00


Just to be clear, you have an existing virtual disk of RAID 5 stripped across all six of the drives?

If that's the case, you can only lose one drive before you have data loss. RAID 6 allows you to lose two drives, but RAID 5 only one.

If the controller says you have two missing drives and another is foreign, I'm thinking you probably have fewer than six drives in the current virtual disk.

You can swap out a drive at a time, but trust me- it's going to be much, much easier to offload the data, take the 510 out of service, swap the drives, create a new virtual disk, and then copy the data back.

If you have data on the 510 you need to keep, I'd definitely put everything back the way it was before making any controller modifications, and then get support on the line to walk you through it. Once you do it a couple times, it's old hat, but I'm fearful for your existing data.

Good luck.

8 Posts

May 19th, 2014 13:00

The RAID5 rebuilt itself and I have successfully upgraded the 2tb HDD to 4tb HDD. 5 hours each HDD took along time.

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