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December 16th, 2021 08:00

Replacing a Failed Type13 EqualLogic Controller

We have a few M4110 EqualLogic storage systems in the M1000e dell enclosure. one of them is only operating on 1 controller (another slot is not working.) if the working card fails, we will have no cards in the system. if we get a replacement card and swap the SD card, what would need to be done so that the replacement card can recognize the array/raid again?  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

3 Apprentice


1.5K Posts

December 17th, 2021 18:00


 The configuration information, logs, etc are stored as part of the RAIDset.  When the CM boots from the SD, it loads the OS for the controller.  The controller goes out and looks for available drives.  Then scans each drive for a RAID label.  Using that information it enables the RAIDset.  Then it mounts a partition from that RAIDset to continue the boot process.   This is analogous to Linux LVM.  The drives have a physical label, then meta data is loaded to bring the Volume Group Online, then any  Logical Volumes are discovered.  Then the OS can mount them.  Same principle for Windows.  The BIOS detects the drive and starts the bootloader.  The boot loads sees the partition and loads the OS.  



1 Rookie


427 Posts

December 16th, 2021 13:00

you need an sdcard with same the fw as the primary controller

3 Apprentice


1.5K Posts

December 16th, 2021 14:00

As was mentioned, you need to remove the SD card from the failed CM and install it in the replacement.  There is not configuration info on the SD card.  But swapping it means you maintain the same FW version.   



December 17th, 2021 06:00

Thanks for your responses.  I am aware of the SD card having firmware and know that it needs to be put in the replacement card.  I am just trying to figure out how the controller card would be able to recognize the existing raid set, given that:

(1) The chassis itself doesn't store the RAIDSet info.  In the past, I have replaced a defective chassis with a different one, and everything came up normally, so it seems the chassis is just a physical container for controller cards and drives and doesn't have any configuration info.

(2) SD card also doesn't store any RAIDSet info, it only contains the firmware.

(3) The replacement controller card wouldn't have RAIDSet info either.  And it being the only card, there is no secondary card to failover.

So, how would the replacement controller card recognize the existing RAID set?

December 18th, 2021 12:00

Thank you for the detailed explanation.  It was very helpful.

3 Apprentice


1.5K Posts

December 19th, 2021 04:00

Hello Sharad, 

 You are very welcome!  I am glad to help. 

 Happy holidays! 


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