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1 Rookie


102 Posts


December 7th, 2023 15:12

Recover SED Drives

Hi all,

I am trying to reuse SED drives P/N: 051VF5 but seems they are encrypted. I have found that with PSID code I can recover them but checking the libel I see a MSID code also a 32-digit code as PSID. Manufacturer is Seagate so I am trying to do a crypto format with Seatools 5. Software ask for PSID code but format procedure fails after some seconds. Do have someone experience with that procedure or maybe we have to use another tool.




3.9K Posts

December 8th, 2023 01:16


This may help:

Can I add SEDs to a non-SED array, or vice versa?

No. Do not mix SEDs and non-SEDs in the same array. If mixed drives are detected while the array is booting, the array will halt until the incorrect drives are removed. If mixed drives are detected while the array is operating, the incorrect drives will be shown as unauthorized.

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

December 8th, 2023 21:16


 I am not familiar with that tool.  But I believe (not 100% sure) that if the drive was encoded and not reset then only that key will unlock it.  I have not tried to use a SED drive from an  EQL array outside of the array. 




1 Rookie


102 Posts

December 27th, 2023 15:43

@dwilliam62​ we do that to sanitize drives with external certified tool. If drive is encrypted we can't access data and sanitize it but the main problem is we can't use an encrypted drive again. Doing a deinstallation procedure with the Equallogic systems all SED drives are wiped and unencrypted and then are accesible but I think someone didn't uninstall properly these drives and now there is no way to recover them. Thank you in any case.

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