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February 14th, 2007 06:00

Why is documentation so hard to find?

Since moving to powerlink I am having the hardest time finding the product documentation I want. If I do a general search on "Trusted Content Services" I do not see any documentation relating to that product and get things like Webtop user guide? I also didn't see TCS in the list of products when doing just a documentation search, nor did I see it by going to the Support -> Documentation -> Documentum T portion of powerlink.

Am I missing something?

3.4K Posts

February 14th, 2007 06:00

I can only address your specific question about TCS. Since its no longer a separate product, the documentation has been rolled into Content Server Fundamentals and Admin Guide.

1 Rookie


82 Posts

March 2nd, 2007 13:00

Thanks Johnny - I was specifically looking for TCS.
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