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4 Posts


March 4th, 2019 06:00

Dell Command Configure-UEFI Network Stack w. PXE & Passwords



I am new to Dell Command Configure and I want to create a universal EXE-File for deployment using MDT/WDS. Ihave two essential questions: 1.) This is an aboslute newbie question but I wasn't able to find it in the settings of DCC or information about it on the net. I want to activate the UEFI Network Stack with PXE-Boot. All the options I have configured so far are 1 to 1 equivalent to the ones found in the UEFI, but in that case I just have the options "enabled" and "disabled". "Enabled w/PXE-Boot" seems to be missing. Where and how do I set this up correctly? I don't mind editing the CCTK-File or setting this via the GUI. 2.) How do I best deal with passwords or a lack there of. Our situation as is, is that our clients have manually configured UEFIs without an admin-password to protect the UEFI from meddeling users. So until we have configured all clients with a UEFI-password we have to catch both use cases. On my test-client the second run of the EXE-file complained in the log that the UEFI is password-protected and settings could not be applied. This is basically fine with me and my first primitive but happy approach would be to build two EXE-Files, one without and one with a password, in order to catch systems without and with an UEFI-password. In order to do so I would also need to know where I can give DCC a current UEFI-password to be able to change settings. Is that an applicable approach or is there a more elegant way to do this?



Regards and thanks in advance



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