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December 3rd, 2019 21:00

Dell Command Update 3.1 - Excluding Specific Updates

Hello All,

I am trying to figure out a way to run Dell Command Update without installing any of the Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver Updates.  We have had many problems with machines that only have the 1 SSD/HDD have with that driver when it is installed and are hoping not to include it.  Is this possible?

1 Message

December 31st, 2019 10:00

This is actually an important topic that extends beyond just the Enterprise sector.  I'm a home user, and I want this exact feature as well.  My use case scenario is important for a few reasons.  Here's the scenario..

I've uninstalled the OEM nVidia & Intel graphics drivers shipped with my Inspiron 7456 gaming laptop and replaced them with the DCH version of those driver sets from both nVidia & Intel.  The OS is Win10 1909.

Considering this scenario, Dell Update detects the nVidia driver doesn't match its database and it wants to update to what it sees as the "current" nVidia driver from Dell's support site.  Here are the problems with this:

  1. Installing a Standard graphics driver on top of a DCH driver will ruin a Win10 installation and make it unusable.  All documentation from Microsoft, Intel, and nVidia states that installing a Standard model graphics driver on top of a DCH driver or vice versa is both unsupported and will lead to the OS not working properly.
  2. I'm an IT professional, so I read and know about these things.  The average home user, possibly even power user would not know the caveat to this driver distinction and just take Dell Update's suggestion and update the driver and mess up their OS.
  3. As far as I'm aware, Graphics driver installers aren't required to detect for these conditions/prereqs, though a well-programmed installer should detect for this scenario; at this point it is an assumption whether or not the installer itself would prevent a STD/DCH driver replacement without performing a full driver uninstall first, then new install after mandatory reboot.
  4. Aside from these reasons above, I don't want Dell offering a 6 month old driver from nVidia, especially on a gaming laptop.  nVidia publishes monthly and Dell consistently does not keep up for Game-Ready Drivers.  Any gamer worth their salt would replace the OEM driver on day 1.  
  5. It should be possible to simply tell Dell Update to ignore a particular update and move on.  Either the user is going to update a driver or ignore the suggestion; pestering doesn't help anyone here. 
  6. Dell should consider publishing drivers & BIOS through Microsoft Update, this would also simplify SCCM driver deployments - one source for all data and no repository is required; less maintenance and time required of the IT Staff.

1 Message

May 12th, 2020 18:00

Same exact question here.  That Intel Rapid nonsense will put the computer fan on full blast at times, we just can't have it.  I recall many years ago you could hide certain updates by clicking the eye.  Need this solved Dell.

3 Posts

January 24th, 2022 11:00

Any input from Dell on this?  I should not be constantly bothered about installing updates that I don't want.

8 Posts

August 8th, 2022 07:00

I'd love to see this as well. I m so tired of it trying to install support assist. Every boot....hey there's an update, hey there's an update, hey there's an update. Problem is, when that is installed, it causes stutters during audio playback. It's the oddest thing that took forever to figure out the cause of it, and that was only because I found the answer online. Well, I used my laptop professionally and need it for audio playback and can't have these stutters. So I got rid of the program has been nagging me about it ever since. I am about to uninstall Dell Update as well. I'll lose out on Bios updates . The system is stable and it is what it is. It's not user-friendly nor is it that smart. It's like Tweedledee is handling my updates. 

8 Posts

August 8th, 2022 20:00

In Ref to the "profanity removed": Wow, sure, ok. I would have never expected that to be considered profanity. I'd say the system here is more G-rated than Disney as I was pretty sure that term was desensitized around 30 years ago and I hear it all the time in kid's cartoons. Maybe it's time that Elon Musk buys Dell

That being said, I'm kidding. Do as you wish. It's your website ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Thankfully, there are many other places for the community to speak its true mind without censorship. I'm just a wandering soul. That, and a long-term customer. 

14 Posts

July 8th, 2023 08:00

It sure did used to be an option. Check out this user guide page back from Command Update 2.4 -> - I knew I wasn't imagining things; Dell used to give us more functionality than they do now with the (current as of July 2023) version 4.9 version of Command Update.

Just like they used to sell us laptops that actually slept when we said sleep, as opposed to staying constantly on and fan whirring away (the Modern Standby S0 versus S3 sleep debacle that is the reason why hundreds of the customers I support will be buying Apple laptops now, instead of Windows products - Microsoft's fault for forcing Dell to do this, and Dell's fault for caving) "lol guys, just completely turn off your computer whenever you want to put it in your backpack. It's 2023 and this is Modern Standby!"

But I digress. Sure would be nice if computers and phones and their software weren't getting worse in terms of features (oh they're getting faster, I won't deny) instead of better.

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