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February 16th, 2024 18:00

Quantum Computer and Encryption - Darren Chaker

While at the most recent DefCon, there was a lot of discussion about encryption withstanding an attack by a quantum computer. This concern coincides with this August 2023 article,  NIST to Standardize Encryption Algorithms That Can Resist Attack by Quantum Computers. The article states in part, "Last year, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) selected four algorithms designed to withstand attack by quantum computers."  The article is found here. 

My question is does anyone know if Dell will use these newer algorithms for products for Whole Disk Encryption or those for Partition Encryption? I often consult with defense contractors, to companies dealing with industrial espionage, and wanted to know if the community knows of any specific product which will evolve with the potential threat of technology. Best to everyone here, Darren Chaker


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