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This post is more than 5 years old



December 28th, 2017 20:00

XPS 8930 Bios Update Failure

I currently have bios version 1.0.2 installed on my XPS 8930.  There is a new version 1.0.5 that I've tried to install twice.  I close all programs and then run the new bios install as an administrator.  The installer shows XPS8930_1.0.5 Start to flash . . . Press OK to continue or CANCEL to quit.  I press OK and then the screen displays:  Dell Computer Flash BIOS upgrade, System Revision: 1.0.2, Rom File Revision: 1.0.5, Loading BIOS binary file data . . . , followed by a the same message with the word . . . done.  The PC then looks like it is going to reboot, the power light flashes and the PC shuts down.  If I press the power button, nothing happens, even if I hold it in for a while.  If I shut down power to the PC, then it starts up fine, but still has the old bios version: 1.0.2.

Is this a bad bios update file or am I doing something wrong?  I've deleted the file twice, downloaded it using both IE and Firefox, cleaned up my drive, etc.

4 Operator


20.1K Posts

December 29th, 2017 11:00

Updating bios should be done only when directed by dell support to solve a problem. If your computer is running fine, skip the new bios. You don’t need it.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 29th, 2017 11:00

The new BIOS version is supposed to fix the Intel chipset firmware security hole, and it's marked "Urgent":

Updated Intel ME Firmware to address security advisory INTEL-SA-00086 (CVE-2017-5705 & CVE-2017-5708)

That said, hold off for a while because you don't want to risk a failure that bricks your motherboard. I'll ping my Dell tech contact about the problem....

140 Posts

December 29th, 2017 16:00

Thank you Ron - I appreciate you pinging your Dell Tech contact.  Hopefully Dell can resolve the issues with the Bios update.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 30th, 2017 15:00

They've been away -for the most part- this week because of the holidays so we may not get a response until next week or so.

I'll post if I hear anything, unless someone from Dell posts here directly...

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

January 2nd, 2018 12:00

I pinged my tech contact again today with a reminder about this issue.

And something just occurred to me. The flash update seems to have worked, so is it possible that BIOS is just mis-identifying itself as v1.0.2 instead of v1.0.5...? ? ? ?  

Download and run the Intel-SA-00086 Detection Tool for Windows. See if it reports your system as vulnerable or not:

Post back and tell us what the tool says, because (a) that might help Dell resolve the problem and (b) it could help other users who may run into this same problem.

PCs are just black boxes into which we pour time.... :emotion-5:

140 Posts

January 2nd, 2018 19:00

Thanks Ron - I ran the tool and it appears that my system is still vulnerable and not upgraded to bios v 1.0.5

Here are the results from the tool:

Tool Started 1/2/2018 7:15:35 PM

Name: DELL-XPS8930

Manufacturer: Dell Inc.

Model: XPS 8930

Processor Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

Status: This system is vulnerable.

Tool Stopped

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

January 3rd, 2018 10:00

I passed those test results along...

Of course, we haven't tested any PC that has been updated so we're assuming the tool would see the fix in a previously vulnerable system... :emotion-5:

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

January 3rd, 2018 13:00

This has been escalated so you're just going to have to wait -potentially- until Dell releases a BIOS update that actually works.

I'm hesitant to suggest this because you've already tried 2x and I don't want you to brick the motherboard, but you might consider running the update again, either by booting from a bootable USB with only the BIOS update file on it, rather than from inside Windows. Or, from inside Windows after you disable your antiviral/antimalware software. (Don't forget to re-enable it as soon as PC reboots!)

If you try either of those, you do it at your own risk, not mine. :emotion-5:  But assuming the PC is still under warranty, Dell should replace the motherboard if it gets bricked, keeping in mind that I don't work for Dell and have no control of what they will/won't do...

Post back and let us know what happens IF you try either of those 2 suggestions...

140 Posts

January 4th, 2018 07:00

Thanks again Ron - I'm out of town until Friday and can't try anything on the 8930 until I return.  Is there a better way of letting Dell know when they have Bios file install issues outside of these forums?  I haven't had much luck in the past calling their technical support lines.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

January 4th, 2018 12:00

You can always contact Tech Support. They may not have an immediate solution, but your problem will be logged, and if they receive sufficient numbers of reports about the same issue, it should get elevated to engineering to investigate.

Posting here also helps because other users may see a thread about their problem and post a "me too". And when volunteers here (Rockstars) and/or moderators (Dell employees) see multiple complaints about the same problem, an alert can be passed on...

140 Posts

January 4th, 2018 16:00

The 8930 is NOT listed on Dell's page for Bios update for Meltdown but other XPS (8920, etc) are listed.

I assume this is because Dell IS aware of the problem.  (I came here to ask why the 8930 is not in this list and saw this thread).

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

January 4th, 2018 18:00

The BIOS update to fix the ME (Management Engine) problem is not related to Intel's new CPU problems.

The BIOS update to 1.0.5 says it fixes the ME problem and does not even mention Meltdown or any other CPU issue. Don't know why it got deleted from the list at your link.

The Microsoft update to fix Meltdown etc was supposed to be pushed automatically by Windows Update today, though there seem to some issues with certain anti-malware apps preventing it from being installed.


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